Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Technological and community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Technological and community - Essay ExampleWe argon now living in a globalised world seems to be a favorite catchphrase among authors and writers, and relevant to businesses and organisations because transactions dejection be conducted at an instance, and people can communicate from one side of the earthly concern to the other end with just a personal computer and an internet connection. Moreover, because of globalisation national borders are not very important now, and there is the interconnectedness of organisations and businesses, while countries focus more on deregulation, privatisation and easiness of industries, and the importance of world markets.Global firms use many different structural forms in dealing with globalisation. They can use the horizontal structure because this is made easier with the availability of the internet and Information Technology. Globalisation affects very oftentimes the ordinary community. Significant social changes can take place both before a nd after the phases of the more or less intense physical activities, for example, construction, production, and expansion pathways of influence can be social as well as physical.Nevertheless, the technological changes have brought about inequalities because of the digital divide in the community setting where there is escape of technological attention from the government and the business or private sector on the part of these communities which are seen to not being able to contribute to progress and development.No human enterprise can authorise technologys success in improving the material conditions, enhancing the cognitive attributes, and attenuating the physical limitations of humans. While about celebrate the coming of unprecedented wealth and prosperity brought on by the recent advances in contractable engineering, nanotechnology, computer-communication systems, and so on, others bemoan the possible demise of humans as autonomous social beings because of the coming of the questionable cyborgs, transgenic organisms, and clones. (Parayil, 1999, p.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Analysis of The World Chinese Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Analysis of The World Chinese Film - Essay ExampleThe migrant doer has an alignment with the theme green employee in a sense they both happen to be working in the park. The migrant worker does a anatomical structure job in the park where he builds structures while the theme employee works in a park where he is able to create and recreate landmarks. Their jobs have an alignment to each other since they work indoors the same vicinity notwithstanding though their worlds are different. Therefore, the movie best explains a tantalizing circumstance in which people find themselves engraved in. Whether in their jobs at World Park or as ladies of the evening, these women are ostensibly empowered through employment but actually are marginalized and victimized by a sexually commercialized society, (Szeto, 2009, pp.102). The presentation of the life in an urbanized setting explains various atrocities that whitethorn occur to people. The critical and pagan appraisal of the movie brings out the shows how the presentation of the issues.Both the migrant worker and the theme employee experience exploitation according to the film as it tries to show how difficult it is working in a big city where one is a stranger without city life experience. The film portrays the modernization of China from its ancient cultural society to modern China through the migrants moving from the province to the city in search of jobs. Chinas modernization and economic growth have been rapid and far-reaching even to the remote areas such as the provincial city of Datong in northeast China, (Szeto, 2009, pp.108). From the film, the province symbolizes the ancient cultural society while the city symbolizes the new or modern society of China. Even though at this point China has not attained maximum modernization, it has an average attitude with a desire to uprise in the near future.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Law - court Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Law - court - Essay ExampleThe raises were namely horizontal nystagmus test, walk and turn test, and angiotensin-converting enzyme leg stand test.While performing the tests stated above, the patrol officer, the one who spotted Muniz on the roadside, asked him few questions such as Munizs name, address, height, weight, eye color, date of birth. These questions were not intended to elicit information for investigatory purposes scarcely it focuses primarily upon the perspective of the suspect and therefore not incriminating.After giving Muniz the various tasked, which he poorly(predicate) performed, finally the patrol officer asked Muniz to submit himself for the breathalyzer test which is designed to measure the alcohol marrow of his expelled breath, Which is under the Commonwealths Implied Consent Law. The result of this breathalyzer test will be used as solid or physical evidence.The implied consent concept refers to the idea that when you get your drivers license, you agree th at if you are ever arrested for mistrust of driving under the influence (DUI/DWI) of drugs or alcohol, you will submit to a blood, breath, or urine test (depending on availability and whether the suspected chemical was drugs or alc

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Product Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Product Development - Essay usageSome of the well-informed customers often die hard out what improvements need to be made before different customers are aware. Some thinkings are also arrived at by seeing what the ingatherings lack and rushing to nosepiece the gap.Sony is known for its innovative results. With Apple iPod being a big success with a market grapple of 80% in the digital portable media player market and sold over 30 one million million million iPod devices by 2005. A market research of about 20,000 iPod consumers was undertaken in order to receive a feedback.The exemplification was random and consisted of subjects surveyed in diverse geographical areas of the UK and France. The target segment included current iPod users and future iPod purchasers as well as those who were planning to purchase a home run system or a high-level stereo system within the next year.The fact that emerged most often was that multiple be of speakers were used to show sound in the ro om, and this was slightly frustrating and the positioning required some effort. The adjourn speakers like the Dolby Surround Sound 5.1 standard based speakers, required several wires to be installed and once the speakers were installed, their positions were ameliorate and the sound was confined to the one spot. Portability was an issue. The survey subjects welcomed the idea of a single integrated speaker doing the work of the multiple ones. Idea contemporariesBrainstorming sessions were held to discuss the gap in the market for the Sony Speaker. With the spark for an idea generated, the cross-functional team consisting of manufacturers, market researchers, financial analysts and advertising agencies met to discuss and develop the concept.The benefits of having a cross-functional team were that it brought in expertise from all related departments. The diversity of the team members brought in different cultural viewpoints that added to decision making potential. It helped flash b ack inefficiencies because problems were addressed such as the dimensions of the speaker and the types of possible packaging in the initial process itself, rather than addressing them afterwards, which might have proved costly at the end of the product development process.The idea generation sessions that were on going, specific and involved, resulted in several viable alternatives. These were carefully screened to see if they aligned closely to the goals and strategy of Sonythey were compatible to the existing production and packaging lines could be marketed through the current distribution channels and promotional expenditure that would be requiredConcept Development and TestingCareful analysis of the concept design, product/packaging prototype, justification, feasibility, delivery model was undertaken. The need for an integrated speaker replacing several speakers capable of throwing sound to various areas in the room was an interesting product idea to pursue for the Research an d Development department.The product would be Sonys new spherical speaker that can be placed in the middle of a room to project sound in all directions. This would be instead of the consumer having to buy many speakers to project the sound inwards. It would include the following featuresDelivers, stereo sound using reflector technologyAutomatic adjust receiver for reception up to 150 from the transmitterBuilt-in 4 watt

Friday, April 26, 2019

Razer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Razer - Essay Example at that place is a proper database with back-end and front-end that stores all information regarding the gaming inventory, personnel, and customers.3. To protect their information systems and data, Razer is implementing many important tribute measures. There are security architectures like AWS, GCE, Azure, and Rackspace. Web application firewalls, IDS/IPS, network security monitoring, and log caution solutions are some of the few aspects of the information security systems implemented in Razer gaming solutions. Highly adequate personnel run the security systems. All of these information security measures ensure that the data remains honest and protected within the company, and that it does not get into the hands of unauthorized persons.4. I would suggest creating a all-inclusive technology plan which would include methodical replacement of aging workstations. The plan would include regular estimation of emerging technologies. I would consider how the natur e of the company is changing and at what pace, so as to conciliate appropriate changes to the system. I would schedule periodic maintenance downtime to manage system updates and virus scans. I would in any case like to train the personnel according to the best international standards.5. The company is marketing its gaming ironware and other gaming services through online social networks and online advertisements. The business process of marketing is being back up by this method. When people surf the internet or use online social networks to get connected to separately other, they come across the advertisements placed by the company. This way, they get familiar with all the new gaming ironware that the company is providing. They can click on the advertisements and get to know which service is best for them and which gaming ironware they want to buy. The existing social media infrastructure stores all conversations on

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Sociological Perspective and Sociological Imagination Essay

Sociological linear perspective and Sociological Imagination - Essay ExampleThe ideology of self and self concept has been differing from historical eras, ethnic backgrounds and socioeconomic classes. There are three other concepts underlying the idea of self concept. They are the self esteem, self efficacy and self monitoring.Personality is a compilation of emotional and behavioral patterns exclusive to a person that is steady over time. One more aspect to be understood in status of the cognition for self is spirituality. Spirituality can be described in various ways exclusively the most common definitions are that spirituality endows with logic of meaning and procedure in life and includes a belief that the soul starts of in another realm or it is reincarnated after a persons death.These beliefs include marvellous beings or powers, such as a God or a hierarchy of gods, angels and demons, this is for different religions. frankincense we can say that the supernatural world at times comes closer and at times gets further away to the real world scenarios as per beliefs of different persons. As of a spiritual standpoint, the main purpose of human life is to grow spiritually.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Russia in the 20th Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Russia in the twentieth Century - Essay ExampleNicholas II was the last Tsar of the Romanov Dynasty. He was born in Pushkin, Russia on May 6, 1868 on the Julian calendar, which was used in Russia until 1918. His begin was Alexander Aleksandrovich, who was heir to the Russian empire and was Tsar before Nicholas II. Nicholas II inherited the throne at 26 years old when his father died on October 20, 1894. He was quoted as saying he was not ready for the throne at this time. He married Princess Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt, known publicly as Empress Alexandra, and had 4 daughters and one son. His son, Alexei, was diagnosed with Hemophilia at an early age, and the imperial family began to rely heavily on a mystical healer known as Rasputin who would play a large role in later events, and is discussed later in this essay. Nicholas II was not a well-liked ruler and carried the nickname Bloody Nicholas throughout his rule. Several key events that helped shaped the soon to be formed Soviet Uni on occurred under Nicholas II rule. During his official coronation, a massive crowd formed and thousands of people were stampeded to death. Nicholas II and his wife were totally unaware of the event and proceeded to the Coronation Ball. This revealed him as a ruler who was oblivious of his subjects.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Atlantic Conveyor Belt System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Atlantic Conveyor Belt System - Essay slipIn detailed, ocean waters circulate around the world in patterns due to factors including the differences in solar energy received by the equator and the poles, topography of the ocean floor and coastal land masses, changes in seawater density, revolution of Earth around its axis, and atmospheric winds. The pattern of the Atlantic conveyor belt is the northward flow of prompt out-of-doors waters from the Caribbean along the Atlantic coast of the United States, known as the Gulf Stream. As the warm waters reach the North Atlantic, it becomes denser due to the lowering of temperature, and becomes more saline from the evaporation of surface water and formation of ice. Denser water sinks forming a cold bottom current in the Atlantic. The current consequently circulates to the south towards Antarctica and turn eastward. By passing across the equator, the water becomes warm, rises to the surface and veers westward towards the Atlantic sea (Bloo m 2011).Moreover, the Scientists of the National Aeronotics Space Administration once suspected that the speed of the Atlantic conveyor belt has slowed down. However, victimisation recent measurements of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation show no significant slowing of overturning over the past 15 years NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 2010). On the contrary, it was found out that water circulation had sped up about 20 percent from 1993 to 2009 (NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory 2010).The circulation of the Atlantic Ocean is very important in the climate system. The warm currents contribute to the higher average temperatures of about 5C in the East swoop of the United States, Europe, and Scandinavia compared to other land masses along the same latitude (Bloom 2011). In general, warm currents hold energy from the tropics to the sub polar North Atlantic. It also influences weather and climate patterns. Cold currents help the transfer of carbon from

Struggle & Survival Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Struggle & Survival - Essay ExampleIn addition, they were the means of spreading of ideas across systems of communication. Moreover, the man and development of European settler societies greatly transformed the lives of these people both negatively as tumesce as positively (11).The society during the European colonization of America was an irregularly delicate organize. The establishment of European settler societies brought about changes in lifestyle for instance the issue of town living as a form of living a civilized life. Other settlers arrived in America with the hope of reinstating a structure of society that they deemed was appropriate in Western Europe. As a result, armed disagreement with the Native Americans offered a strong inducement for integration as did the occasionally threatening peculiarity of the American environment. However, shortly, the compelling forces in New World civilization acted as a prevailing corrosive on the common standards and forms of conduct of the European settlers, both in the borders and inside the colonial cities and towns (17).The European perceptions of personal property and the adverse developing of the environment for commercial purposes were great deterrents to communal modes of behaviour. Nevertheless, the Indian ways of life and culture offered a rattling foundation for societal cohesion. Among African slaves, integration and cohesion occurred in terms of religious affiliations than in exposed struggle. In addition, there were several chances for grouping integration with the strongly administered social order of plantation, household and mine. This provided the African slaves with a good ground of interaction and modification of their behaviour. These people learned various aspects of life, which they incorporated in their daily activities (18).The collective foundation of the community remained integral in the Native American civilizations and to a littler extent even among the

Monday, April 22, 2019

Social policy and play Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Social constitution and play - Essay ExampleThere atomic number 18 some games universally played by children. Hide and seek which develops inquisitive nature and curiosity in the minds of the children and Police-thief games which is about battle between good and evil argon popular among children in different forms of the game. nobble goes a long way in cultivating good habits, manners and behaviors in a person. Perspectives of childishness The perspective of childhood is viewed from futuristic angle, ignoring the conditions, needs and changes required from the current perspective. Lesser and Russell stated There has been a quick growth in policy initiatives relating to children and young people and this has been dominated by a perspective which sees children in general in name of their and the nations future and not in terms of their present lives. Childhood should not be viewed merely as a ground for preparing them for adulthood. The society tries to intervene in the suffic e with the understanding that the framework is set with reference to learning, good habits, behaviors and manners in socializing. Health consciousness is withal considered in this framework. However, we need to treat that opportunity to play is childhood right though there are the attendant benefits and adult hood is related to childhood. According to Lee (2) Whatever differences there may be between adults and children, contemporary sociologies of childhood urge that children be treated equally, at least in terms of recognizing that children construct views and perspectives of their own. The aspect of empowerment to the children is another important perspective. According to Alexander (10) empowerment, is what bridges childrens wellbeing, childrens primary education and childrens rights. Empowerment - underpinned, as our child witnesses insist, by equity, empathy and expertise - is an educational induce well worth fighting for. Social Policy Relating to Childhood Alcock (2003) p roposes a definition of social policy which suggests that it comprises both academic discipline and also a form of social action. (Shardlow (14) Children believe they have the talents and resolution to become kings. This belief which remains unspoiled till adulthood made many college drop-out students to establish massive business empires in history. On the other hand, the seeds of evil take deep roots in their minds repayable to child abuse or discrimination manifest as cheating, fraud and terrorism in ulterior years. Study by Henn et al (1160) revealed profound differences in the likelihood of criminal convictions or incarcerations between socialized and under socialized delinquents. The socialized delinquents have less chance of being either convicted of a nuisance or being imprisoned. Shaping up at 5 is easier than reshaping up at 50. According to Hallett and Prout (83) children have been accorded a central role, both in creation of modern society and the autonomous indivi dual and detect that the contemporary thinking and activities of the associations in child welfare confirm this trend. Play is an important part of children and youngsters. Sutton-Smith views

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Describe the main duties of an Accountable Manager. How does the Coursework - 1

Describe the main duties of an accountable Manager. How does the holder of this position relate to the financial management - Coursework ExampleThe accountable manager is usually considered to require some position in the Board of directors or other equivalent body of the company. This allows him a more than close connection with the causeers of the company. So, the objectives set by the Board of Directors contain an opinion on his part. It also assists him move on to understand the objectives fully and other underlying requirements of these objectives. The presence of a person in setting objectives makes such(prenominal) manager more accountable as the objectives are set with full collaboration of such manager.However, large organizations usually consist of more than one units who either dependent of each other or separately work to achieve the desired results and objectives. The regulations for each of these units are also different. So, different accountable managers are pre scribed for all these units who supervise the work of these units. These managers are accountable to their respective Regulatory body.Usually, accountable managers are only answerable for the accomplishment of desired objectives. However, the tasks are non carried out by them alone. A large sum up of subordinates are involved and it is inevitable for the accountable manager to rely upon the work of subordinate managers. However, these subordinates are responsible to report to the accountable manager about their work. The Accountable manager is after all responsible for their own work s well as the work of their subordinates. Because of such greater responsibility, the accountable managers are not given any other task which they are capable of carrying out. The reason is that the focus is not turn to any other work which is less important than the primary job of such manager.In drive of companies which carry out air operations, the accountable manager is responsible to the regu latory body, either within or outside the company, for all the operations which are

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Supply Chain in business organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Supply Chain in business organization - Essay spokespersonThis paper will look at the return chain of Dell co-ordinated. The rationale for choosing Dell is the acquaintance it gained for its efficient supply chain. The companys business model is based in five key strategies namely, rapid measure to volume, products built to order, elimination of reseller markups, superior service and support, and low inventory and capital investment (Kapuscinski, et al 2004).Michael Dell, who is too regarded as the calculator industrys longest tenured chief executive officer, founded Dell Computer Corporation in 1984. Later in 2003, the company changed its name to Dell, Incorporated. The company is one of the most famous manufacturers of data processor worldwide, which caters to the unavoidably of individual and corporate clients with a very unique business concept (About Dell 2004). Dell Incorporated is headquartered in Rock Round, Texas.Dell, Inc. and its subsidiaries ar actively involved in the design, development, manufacture, marketing, sale, and support of a range of computer systems and services worldwide. The main business activity of Dell is in the provision of products and services to customers, which enables them to establish their entropy technology and Internet infrastructures.Dell offers a wide array of products and services to its clients. ... 2005). Currently, Dell is the third largest computer manufacturer in the world. During 2004, the company generated a total net income of $41, 444 million. The company also generates employment for a total of 46, 000 employees (Dell Inc. 2005)..Dells Supply ChainTraditionally, personal computers were manufactured in large volumes, forwarded to distributors and were sold individually to customers. This supply chain became problematic as it requires a huge level of inventory and small set of mannequin for customers. Dell introduced a new supply chain which rests on minimizing the costs of inventory and customizatio n according to a clients specification. Dell employs a just-in-time inventory strategy which allows the movement of inputs only when a customer places an order.Table shows the geological period of material in Dells supply chain.The companys supply chain begins when a customer places an order through environ or online via the companys website. Dell processes the order by undertaking a financial evaluation (credit checking) and configuration evaluations (checking the feasibility of a specific technical configuration). After passing these two evaluations, the order is forwarded to the companys manufacturing lay out in Austin, Texas for assembly. Dells plant notifies the companys suppliers and request the components needed for the customers specification. It should be noted that Dell takes care only of the CPUs assembly while monitors are directly outsourced from other suppliers (Kapuscinski, et al 2004).Figure 1. Dells Supply ChainDelivery of components to Dells manufacturing plant in Texas is comparatively faster than its counterparts in the industry. It is

Friday, April 19, 2019

Nursing Community Project Hypertension impact on the Miami dade County Essay

Nursing participation Project Hypertension impact on the Miami dade County Commiunity - Essay Example2. Demographic Characteristics of the Selected Miami Dade County Community Miami Dade County has been selected as the setting for analyzing the impact of high blood pressure upon the community. Miami Dade is located in the state of Florida in the United States. The total population of this county constitutes to about 2,253,362. According to a recent survey conducted, it was observed that the number as well as the rank of deaths caused by hypertension is the significant cause of fall in the demographic figure of Miami Dade County. In the class 2006, it was stated that high blood pressure is determined to be the primary cause for death of about 319,000 Americans. Additionally, the rate of death due to hypertension has tremendously increased in the recent years. Furthermore, it has been observed that at heart the increased rate of around 58.7% suffers of hypertension, there inclu des a majority of females indoors Miami Dade (Health Council of South Florida Inc, 2010). On the base of further analysis, it has been detected that Prehypertension as well as high blood pressure within adolescents have got taken an hied leap in the recent years within Miami Dade County. ... Miami represents the one of the major cosmopolite aras within the United States. This particular county nearly constitutes 38 Census-designated places and 16 unincorporated regions. The countys total animal(prenominal) area entails around 6,297 km2. It has been observed that immigrants of Miami Dade County were drastically affected by hypertension in the year 2006 and it continues to accelerate with the passing of years (Health Council of South Florida Inc, 2010). 4. Statistics According to the observation of Miami-Dade County Community Health Report Card, the increased admissions within hospitals caused by hypertension was the worst performance indicator in the year 2007.The pictorial di agram be below depicts that with proper diagnosing as well as treatment of Hypertension in Miami Dade County, the ailment can be prevented to a greater extent which stands to be in total around 34.1 part (The Healthy Communities Institute, 2013). Source (The Healthy Communities Institute, 2013) Source (The Healthy Communities Institute, 2013) According to the assessment made, the aforesaid diagram depicts that hypertension can affect both the genders to a considerable level that is around 34.1 percent on an clean (The Healthy Communities Institute, 2013). According to the analysis of The Healthy People 2020 national health target is aimed at trim back the level of high blood pressure among the age group of 18 years and above to at least 26.9 percent (The Healthy Communities Institute, 2013). 5. Nursing Diagnosis NANDA diagnosis has laid down certain diagnosis interpretation of hypertension which has been briefly explained below Risk for Reduced Cardiac Output There are various risks

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Competitor Analysis Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Competitor Analysis - Coursework caseExtended presence by dint of local branch offices present in 350 locations across US, Canada, Japan, UK, Australia and Hong Kong. Availability through with(predicate) phone 24/7, email alerts and information from schwab.com.Products Includes brokerage accounts (one brokerage account, one arrangement account), bank checking and brokerage, separate retirement plans (traditional, roth, rollover, custodial, inherited), annuities, business retirement plans, Schwab personal choice retirement account (PCRA), estate planning (one institutionalize account, one estate account, charitable gift account), college (college savings plan, educational savings account, custodial account) and Charles Schwab bank.Employees and programs used 13,400 abundant time employees and growth rate of 11.4%. Has an open corporate culture, various work/life and career development programs, employee surveys, rewarding work environment, employee stock plans, open door polic y and inclusive corporate culture. Employee programs include Schwab university (in abode learning resource), formal mentoring program, Womens Interactive Network (WINS, an employee resource group on womens issues), and VisionQuest (to bring together newborn hires of Schwab as part of employee orientation).IT platforms for CRM In Fall of 2007, the company adapted the CRM software of Junxure. This software has been built by financial advisors for financial advisors. The system automates critical processes, thus providing a high level of client overhaul and enhancing profitability and productivity. Issues In 2003 there were certain instances of late mutual fund trading. The issue was fixed by upgrading systems and processes.GartmoreCompany background This independent fund management company has 30 years of experience and whole kit and boodle with a strong focus on asset management. Its offices are located in Tokyo, Boston, Madrid and Frankfurt. During 2006 to 2007, the organization received over 40 awards and also the Gold standard award for fund management. The organization operates through investment medical specialists who work in small teams. Clients and client relationship Services both retail and institutional clients. Customers are classified advertisement and serviced on the basis of their locations in UK, Europe and Japan. In these regions they are further classified as private customers, professional advisors and institutional customers.Products Offers an array of products and services like the Gartmore Cautious managed fund for gift savers, cash fund, corporate bond fund, China opportunities fund. Emerging markets opportunities fund, European growth fund, European focus fund, global focus fund and a range of MultiManager funds. Its products are classified in distinct categories like Gartmore OEICs (Open end Investment companies), Gartmore SICAV (Luxemborg based fund range) and Gartmore Investment trusts (includes a generalist worldwide trust, fl edgling trust, European specialist trust and a range of trusts concentrating on smaller firms).Employees Committed to long term success of employees, such that many of their senior employees are now company owners.IT platform for CRM The organization has licensed Financial optical fusion Server swift libraries. This platform provides solutions to retail and e-financial service companies. The Financial Fusions message broker technology and SWIFT libraries will also translate internal messaging to SWIFT format messaging. This will facilitate Gartmore for use integration and

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Challenges and Contributions of Feminism to Organizational Theories Term Paper

Challenges and Contributions of feminist movement to Organizational Theories - Term Paper ExampleAdditionally, womens liberation movement must be seen as something that creates a all in all different way of looking at the genders in that women are not inferior beings. Consequently, feminism challenges aged assumptions about the sexes. Feminism can be treated in a number of ways. In authentic circumstances, it may be seen as something that is a union of ideologies. This is because unlike many other beliefs, it can be the incorporation of both intellectual as well as social movements. Many experts have argued that feminism lacks objectivity and as such may not be regarded as a whole genus. However, this is beside the geological period many other philosophies grew out of a postulation by a certain individual or expert. However, in the case of feminism, the idea grew out of the experiences and times of women. Consequently, one cannot be called a feminist if they do not demonstrate a ny sort of commitment to activism. Feminism must be a combine of ideology, philosophy, and activism. In other situations, feminism may be treated as a historic aspect. However, today, feminism in the UK and other western countries may be regarded as the fight against institutionalized prejudices against the genders within organizations. In other words, feminism may have changed substantially over the years but all these historical moments have certain things in common the commitment to reinforcing equality of the sexes. It should be noted that feminism should not be regarded as an ideology that attempts to eliminate men or women out of positions of power. Consequently, one must be able to recognize the fact that feminism understands the differences between men and women but seeks to look for ways in which these two genders can co-exist in harmony.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Writing assessment Essay Example for Free

Writing assessment Essay literature we learn in schools mostly represents events of real life. Some prison terms the speaker, the author, and the writer can exaggerate still they a great deal present their work based on real life occurrences. literature cannot ever be an discomfort obstacle instead it should be seen as an enjoyable master piece. Furthermore, literature should be considered as an definitive tool for all those who are aiming to become a successful professional in any field.Personally, from the Literature classes, I view learned that people do not direct to reach a consensus, and that everyones point of view count. Literature became very frustrating for me in the beginning of the semester. Although I have endlessly read short stories and drama, I have never analyzed any of them. Poetry was a real challenge for me be birth I am not a very big fan of it. The reason wherefore I have never read one is because I not could interpret the theme.Moreover, I have al ways wondered if poetry has any meaning or if it is simply a play of words. As the time passed, I became used to it. Nowadays, I know that in order to find the theme I mustiness pay close attention to elaborate or closed reading. I am convinced that I will reap the benefits of what I have learned in literature in my career as a deem. In my opinion, each genre such as poetry, short stories, and drama represent disparate cultures and backgrounds in the society especially in the U. S.Going back to literature and careers, a qualified soak up needs to be devoted to people regardless cultures, backgrounds, and ages. Here in America, a good nurse should be someone who is capable to understand and deal with the people of different ethnicities. In order for a nurse to do her job efficiently, she must be meticulous and pay special attention to details such as the patients moods, body expressions, and so forth. These signs might reveal the real cause of the patients sufferings and pains and not rely solely of what the patient says.Although literature classes were very effectual for me it was not easy at all. For example, to write papers about poetry, short stories, and drama was challenging for me. Citing whole kit and caboodle is an some other example where I have a lot troubles. However, I can say that I have better understanding of how to read and interpret. I still having some troubles in works cited but I hope to improve over the time. For my career as a nurse, I will need to be tolerant of other individuals way of living and thinking.To conclude, English Literature was challenged for me because English is not my immemorial language. However, I enjoyed every chapter of each genres and I appreciate for having this opportunity. Although I have not used for other courses what I have learned in literature class so far, I hope I can use it in the future in my career as a nurse. However, in widely distributed speaking, literature classes has enriched my vocabula ry and nourished my imaginations. The most important thing is that my point of view counts as equal as the others Part II

Minors Rights Supreme Court Essay Example for Free

Minors Rights irresponsible Court striveThroughout the United States history, the Supreme Court has decided many events. Their job is to decide whether or non integritys, or punishments given by lower courts, abide by the rules written in the United States Constitution. Their finalitys ar based upon precedents set by other court cases, or their opinions of what the Constitution means, if there is no precedent. On the take of the accountabilitys of minor league, the Supreme Court has justly protected these rights as shown in the cases of In Re Gault, toy v. diethylstilbesterol Moines, and New Jersey v. T.L.O. In Re Gault was the Supreme Courts first undress (Dorsen) into the rights of minors as decided by the Constitution.Fifteen year old Gerald Gault was taken into custody for make lewd comments to a neighbor, over the phone. His parents were not notified and he was not given access to an attorney. He was not notified of his right not to self-incriminate and was even tually convicted as an adult and sentenced to jail until age 21. If he had been tried as an adult, it would remove been a misdemeanor. Before this case it was considered that minors had no rights until they turned 18 and were legally considered an Adult. nether our Constitution the condition of being a boy does not justify a kangaroo court. Due litigate is the primary and indispensable foundation of individual freedom.It is the basic and essential term in the social shorten which defines the rights of the individual and delimits the powers which the state may exercise. (Fortas). The supreme court definitely interpreted the constitution powerful because the constitution states, No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. This is saying that juveniles accused of a crime must have the same rights as adults.Tinker v. Des Moines covers the controversial topic of minors rights in develop. Students, including John Tinker, decided to wear black armbands to check to protest the Vietnam war, violating a shoal policy. The school officials banned and sought to punish petitioners for a silent, passive expression of opinion, unaccompanied by any bother or disturbance on the part of petitioners. There is here no evidence whatever of petitioners interference, developed or nascent, with the schools work or of collision with the rights of other students to be secure and to be let alone. Accordingly, this case does not concern speech or action that intrudes upon the work of the schools or the rights of other students (Fortas). The final decision of the Supreme Court was that minors do not lose their rights once they walk in the school doors. As long as they are not disrupting the learning process, they are fully protect ed nether the first amendment.New Jersey v. T.L.O. is also very controversial as it deals with minors fourth amendment rights of essay and seizure. Two freshmen students were caught smoking in the bathrooms of the Piscataway school system. One student denied smoking and was asked to empty the contents of her purse. The hint found cigarettes, rolling papers, marijuana, a pipe, baggies, money and a card indicating people who owed her money for drugs. She was charged as a juvenile for the drugs and paraphernalia found in the essay. She fought the search, claiming it violated her Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable searches. The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 6-3 popular opinion, held that the search was reasonable under the Fourth Amendment. A school does have the right to search the students on probable cause.In this particular case the school acted on a unmingled view search once the rolling papers were found in plain view by and by the cigarettes were lifted out of the bag. . . . The warrant requirement, in particular, is unsuited to the school environment . . . The legality of a search of a student should depend simply on the reasonableness, under all the circumstances, of the search . . . Such a search will be permissible in its scope when the measures adopted are reasonably relate to the objectives of the search and not excessively intrusive in light of the age and sex of the student and the reputation of the infraction. (White). There was no need for a warrant because the police were not curious her and they were not searching her house or car, only her person.These three cases show that the Supreme Court has been just in ruling on the rights of minors. Juveniles are afforded the same rights to due process as adults when they have criminal charges presented against them. They also have the right to a peaceful demonstration even in a school. In a school setting, it is acceptable that the Court ruled against the rights of minors, in order to prov ide a safe environment. On the topic of the rights of minors, the Supreme Court has justly protected these rights as shown in the cases of In Re Gault, Tinker v. Des Moines, and New Jersey v. T.L.O.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Harley Davidson case analysis Essay Example for Free

Harley Davidson national analysis EssayThis case focuses on the iconic motorbike distinguish of Harley-Davidson. Harley-Davidson is an American motorcycle manufacturing company founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Since Harley-Davidson was established in 1903, the manufacturer has experienced its ups and down. It in particular encounters struggles bid any other automobile industry during economic downturns. On the verge of bankruptcy or so 1980, Harley-Davidson made a surprising comeback.This comeback was mainly a result of Harley-Davidsons incorporation of node overhauls into its harvest-times, product differentiation through office staff and design as well as way production on a consistently high level of quality. Today, the companys annual oecumenical sales total to a greater extent than $4 billion worldwide and have an annual output of 200,000 motorcycles on 35 different models in septette product lines. With these results it is safe to say that Harley-Davidson d ominates the U. S. motorcycle market and is overly strong in Europe and Japan.Harley-Davidson does a very good job at differentiating its product. In fact, product differentiation is the main component of Harley-Davidsons marketing strategy. They want to offer a motorcycle like no other motorcycle on the market at the highest quality. Harley-Davidson non only stresses its level of quality but its consistency of quality as well. Quality refers to the overall characteristic of a product that allows it to suffice as expected in satisfying customer removes. Therefore quality can be utilise to oppose products because not all products satisfy the needs of the consumer.Harley-Davidson offers many different lines of motorcycles including circumscribed edition models as well as customization options. If the customer customizes the motorcycle then they should be getting exactly what they want at a high quality. Harley-Davidson emphasizes the consistency of quality as much as the level of quality because no matter how high the level of quality is, if it is not consistent then they will lose customers. For example, if you go to a restaurant that serves food the way you like it to be prep bed only half of the time, it is likely that you will no longer go there.Then word spreads to others and they are less likely to go to that restaurant too. The same goes for Harley-Davidson. They want to ensure that every motorcycle has a high quality to financial support the customers satisfied and bring forth even more customers. They besides offer financing and insurance which helps differentiate them from competitors even more. Harley-Davidson believes that customer service is an important part of the product. They help differentiate their product by oblation customers training, warrantees, guarantees, repairs and accessories.They want the customers to be comfortable with the employees and have a positive buying experience. Some dealers even labor it a step further by off ering a Riders Edge data track. Since this course was offered at some dealerships, more than 150,000 people have graduated and earned a motorcycles license. This customer service section aims at the population of people who would like to buy a Harley-Davidson but do not know how to ride. They join these step-by-step courses with the employees and are on track to one day having their own Harley.They also offer a line of bikes for women and teach women how to ride bikes, pick them up, and assist them with any information they need in the buying process. They even have founded the Harley Owens Group in order to instill a sensation of community amongst riders. There are over 1 million members. They have access to certain benefits, assemblage rides, members only website, exclusive magazines, and a special customer service hotline. They even offer free tours at four of its factories, not to mention the museum.The Harley-Davidson museum is located in its headquarters in Milwaukee, Wisc onsin. The museum features exhibits from the companys medieval products such as sample boats, bikes, snowmobiles and golf carts, to todays models. They also highlight the companys latest technologies, and inner workings of its new product development process. This museum may play a role in influencing how customers perceive the company and its products because they are able to see where the company has been, where they are, and where they want to be.It also gives the potential customers a chance to experience what it would be like to be a Harley-Davidson owner. They even offer a virtual ride bike so that people can almost get a prototypal hand glance at what it is like to own a bike. Harley-Davidson has a very wide marketing mix. They have bikes that attract people of different sizes, styles, age, and gender. They offer a very good bike at a price of $6,999 for beginners. They offer a line exclusively for women with smaller bikes and a wide course of customizing products. They ai m at creating a sense of individuality and freedom for the riders.As a rider gets more experienced they can trade their bike in for a more advanced one if they life it is necessary. They also offer different styles of bikes for those who are experienced. They range from cruisers to choppers to sports bikes. In total there are seven product lines with 35 different models. Therefore the product depth is 7 and its length is 35. Below is a list going into greater detail about the marketing mix. If I had to invent a brand name for a line of luxury motorcycles I would call it the American Eagle.This brand name would peculiarly appeal to the American market but would also be appealing worldwide. It implies a high American quality, which is luxurious and valuable and is consistent with the American lifestyle. Product The major product is heavy weight motorcycle of 750 cc for working out on heavy roads. A number of brands have been introduced in its ampere-second of age, and each one was very integrated, well equipped and up to date with respect to technological advancements (Johnstone, 1995).The trademark productions of the company assisted it to acquire eagle mark for itself. An excellent customer service is provided in case of any ambiguity, and customers are thoroughly guided for the upcoming brands. Deals in branded motor bikes and other limited sector of open market. Also deal in used bikes, there usable parts cosmos repaired and introduced in the market at lower price range Spare part market has also got their name at the top of the list. Twin Cam engine is its major innovatory product. They also offer services for repairing. mutation engine is also introduced on their innovation lists. Price Their prices are mostly maintained around a certain figure. The major revenue sector is heavy bikes along with spare parts. The company has been in crisis for hardly a(prenominal) years as its market share dropped by 43 (%) percent. The company is planning to eliminat e its employees in the coming year for maintaining the companys financial position (Wilson, 1993). During the time of crisis the vehicle prices were suddenly increase but now its being hoped that they will be regulated. Place.The company has acquired 358,000 square foot coif in Kansas City for the production of Dyna Glide, Sportster, and V-Rod models. For assisting Latin American expansion n Assemly plant is located in Brazil. By establishing manufacturing units, a vast production was achieved (Margie, 2009). Harley Davidson is also moving forward to export bikes in India as well to increase its production and export sector as well. Harley Davidson also caters the motor bikes export in most parts of the world but it is not that much economical because of high custom indebtedness for heavy machinery.Promotion Different marketing policies are being applied for the promotion of the company. Lucky draws are timely introduced, while promoting its political frame. Certain free services are announced for showing goodwill gestures on the new motor bikes sale. Some times fares are also arranged for bulk sales, especially when there is low sale time. Very attractive commercials are placed on different channels. most(prenominal) of the magazines in U. S promote the company by its good coverage.References Pride, W. M.. , Ferrell, O.C. , (2012). Foundations of Marketing. Pg. 77. Australia Mason, OH South-Western, Cengage Learning (2012, ). H-D1 Customization Custom Motorcycles Harley-Davidson USA. Retrieved. November 17, 2012, from http//www. harley-davidson. com/en_US/Content/Pages/H-D1_Customization/h-d1_cu stomization. hypertext mark-up language? locale=en_USbmLocale=en_US (2011, March 8). Harley Davidson Marketing Mix Marketing Mixx. Retrieved November 17, 2012, from http//marketingmixx. com/marketing-basics/marketing-mix/159-harley-davidson-marketing-mix. html.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Why we treat men and women differently Essay Example for Free

Why we treat men and women differently EssayThe process of tick offing sexual practice eccentrics begins right when we are born. The first question people ask of a newborn is Is it a male child or fille? This question illustrates the importance of sex in organizing our expectations and perceptions of an individual. In Ameri ass culture we angle to give boys and girls different types of toys to play with and dress infants according to gender. If you look at your baby pictures, you may prevail that you were often dressed in either blue or pink. One US study reports that 90% of the infants observed at a shopping m any were dressed in gendered colors and or styles (Shakin, Shakin Sternglanz, 1985).By the age of 3 children begin to accurately label people by sex (Fagot, Leinbach Hagen, 1986). sexual activity fibre socialization progress throughout life from various sources parental expectations, modeling of gender roles by peers and images of males and females in the m edia all contribute to our ideas on what it means to be male or female. Gender role is a psychological construct that develops in children as they are socialized in their environments. As children extend older, they learn specific behaviors and patterns of activities appropriate and inappropriate for their sex and they either adopt or reject those gender roles.Sandra Bem (1981) argues that gender is iodin of the fundamental ways we organize information and understand experiences about the world. The way we think of being male or female is a web of behaviors, attitudes, objects and conventions that are associated with being male and being female. We thusly exercising this web of preconceived nonions to understand the people around us. To illustrate, lets look at the theme of Stella, a senior high school student. Stellas parents were egalitarian they believed that gender should not hinder their daughters future.They wanted their daughter to grow up without the encumbrances of ge nder cognizance of stereotypes affects our behavior Page 2 role stereotypes. They made sure that they trained her to be assertive, to be an achiever and always told her that being female should not hinder her from pursuing her dreams. True to her parents words, Stella was an outstanding student, had good leadership skills and had been go fored to a university that she wanted. However, Stella did not see many girl friends. She was not invited to slumber parties and girly stuff though she got along well with the boys.Then one day, she overheard the boys at school talking about her, one of them remarked that Stella was more of a boy than a girl and he wouldnt want to go to the prom with her. Stella was stunned, she never thought of herself that way, she felt confused and hurt. The story tells us of Stellas predicament. She was brought up to think that everyone can reach for his or her dreams and you simply turn over to work on hard for it and this is what she did. But her peers se e her as a misfit, the girls did not like her because she was not interested in girly stuff and the boys did not think of her as a girl.We can say that her peers are reluctant to accept Stella because she goes against the traditional gender roles. Majority of her peers have been socialized to think that girls should be emotional, gentle, beautiful and nurturing while boys should be tough, competitive and strong. Our preconceived notions of what a man /woman should be and what they should not be is always pose in our daily interactions and in how we understand others. Children generally use the term sissy to label a boy who is not a bully and boys torment girls because they are weak and cannot keep up with them.We hail men who are achievers, who are leaders, who can provide their family with all the comfort and luxury of life, while we winnow out at women who exhibit the same traits because we think that a woman should not sacrifice her family for her pityer. Consequently we can observe that more and more women choose to be single or marry at Perception of stereotypes affects our behavior Page 3 a later age when they have reached their dreams. Even the sex duplicate standard favors men over women, it is almost innate in us to be forgiving to husbands who have extramarital affairs because we rationalize that boys will always be boys.On the other end we become disgusted when we hear of a wife having extramarital affairs. Our judgment is clouded by our schemas rather than decision out the story behind the act. Gender stereotypes are actually the most ingrained and prevalent forms of stereotyping. It is impart across cultures and affects all of us from birth to the day of our death. The way we relate to and are being cerebrate to is largely based on our gender. It has become a fundamental part of who we are as persons and level(p) dictates what we become in life.Women generally pursue careers that are nurturing and man generally are in occupations that make s use of their power and authority. Stella in such an early age is confronted with her being not a typical girl and if she gives in to the pressure of being accepted by her peers then she might not become what her parents woolgather her to be. And the end question of whether gender stereotypes are negative or positive is not really the issue. Gender role socialization is a necessary function of society to maintain the status quo.Women are disadvantage by these stereotypes because it limits their opportunity for personal growth, but at present we see a breaking away of the traditional gender roles into a more egalitarian form. More and more husbands have stayed home to care for the children, while more women are joining the work force and getting top positions in all the institutions of society. Thus, like Stellas parents, we can dispel our gender role biases and hope that in the future our children would rattling their lives the way they want it to be, not because they are male or female.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Using Assessment and Feedback Essay Example for Free

Using Assessment and Feedback EssayThe purpose of this interpret is to determine if differentiated charge has an effect on learner achievement and binary intelligences in a classroom. One of the best ways to address multiple intelligences in a classroom is for teachers to develop their taking into custody of the natural convergence of original concepts. Dedicated teachers who be well practiced in a variation of strategies can more tellingly address multiple intelligences in their classrooms. Direct focal heading and differentiated instruction are two different teaching strategies.In direct instruction students work in square gathering. The teacher explains the task to the students based on targeted encyclopedism outcomes. Students work in a large group on the required task in a timely manner. On the other hand, students who work in a flexible and/or cooperative group are guided with the strategy of differentiated instruction. The students in the group work togethe r to master a make up ones mind of skills depicted and explained in detail by the teacher. The teacher provides instruction based on the uniqueness of each student and his or her specific discipline style.In differentiated instruction, students and teachers collaborate with one a nonher to meet the targeted goals (Tomlinson, 2001). Teachers use differentiated instruction in the classroom by prescribing technology suffered cooperation, which enhanced student achievement. Most important, significant increases occurred in student achievement for students in the treatment group who used Internet-based software that differentiated instruction based on student needs and targeted learning outcomes.In the same way, teachers who are trained to use CAI and cooperative learning in quality professional development programs notably and effectively can change their teaching practices. Technology-based instruction in the classroom requires training. High-quality professional development is ongo ing ply development at the school come in for administrators, teachers, and other instructional staff to understand student needs and improve results (National Staff Development Council, 2004). Teachers at the targeted school come to the table with varying levels of ability, technology skills, and knowledge of computers.Professional development is a rudimentary factor in providing teachers with the mechanics that assist in understanding and applying the technology in differentiated instruction. The staff at the targeted school receives monthly technology-based professional development. The goals of the professional development sessions are well defined. According to Joyce and Showers (2002), effective professional development includes ongoing modeling, practice, feedback, and reflection over time. In a typical coaching model, literacy coaches and teachers take in a cycle of demonstration, observation, and reflection (Mraz et al. 2009).Together, both participants demonstrate, obs erve, reflect, and count how such teaching decisions influence students. other level of reflection occurs when the coach and teacher consider the learning outcomes of the students. As this happens, teachers develop a vested gratify in coaching and start to see the benefits of reflection within their practice. Oftentimes, such awareness inspires teachers to continue their escort in professional development and reflection.They become stakeholders in their own learning and seek ongoing leap out from their literacy coach. Differentiated support, based on teachers individual needs and learning styles, is crucial for the work of a literacy coach. acquirement happens within teachers, not to them (Tomlinson McTighe, 2006). One-size-fits-all professional development focuses on the dissemination of the same information to teachers and does not consider application or individual learning styles. Yet teachers are unique in terms of their pedagogy, experience, and limit knowledge.Therefo re, learning should be differentiated to provide multiple options for taking in information, making sense of ideas, and share-out the information learned (Tomlinson McTighe, 2006). If teachers are expected to provide instruction responsive to students learning style needs, it is essential they be provided with the training and experience necessary to do so (Evans Waring Honigsfeld Schiering, 2004). However, teachers who effectively implement the experiential antenna do not focus on the hands-on nature of constructivist experientialism to the exclusion of serious mental involvement.Indeed, students mustiness also interact mentally through reflection and conceptualization of their experiences (Kolb Kolb, 2009). The implementation of this involves active experimentation and cover experiences in the hands-on stage and reflective observation and abstract conceptualization in the minds-on stage (Young, 2002). traditionally assessments have been used to measure how much our students have learned up to a particular point in time (Stiggins, 2007). This is what Rick Stiggins alls assessment of learning and what we use to see whether our students are meeting standards set by the state, the district, or the classroom teacher.These summative assessments are conducted after a unit or certain time period to determine how much learning has taken place. Although Stiggins notes that assessments of learning are important if we are to ascribe grades to students and provide accountability, he urges teachers to focus more on assessment for learning. These types of assessment formative assessments support learning during the learning process.Thomas R. Guskey suggests that for assessments to become an integral part of the instructional process, teachers need to change their greet in three important ways. They must 1) use assessments as sources of information for both students and teachers, 2) follow assessments with high-quality corrective instruction, and 3) give students second chances to demonstrate success (2007). In differentiated classrooms everywhere, a resounding mantra is Fair is not equal fair is getting what you need. Assessments enable us to determine what students need. But for our assessments to be absolute, we need multiple measures of student understanding.We need evidence gathered over time in different ways to approximate how effective the teaching and learning process has been. Tomlinson and McTighe (2006) suggest that when we gather a photo album sort of than a snapshot of our students, we can differentiate instruction based on a more accurate evaluation of our students learning needs (Dodge).A students opportunity to learn is the single most important student success variable that schools can control. This seems straightforward, but researchers have discover that, in many schools, the learning continuum is split into three disparate entities the intended curriculum, the implemented curriculum, and the attained curriculum. The intended curriculum is content specified by school or external measures (e. g. , national content standards). The implemented curriculum is content actually delivered by teachers.And the attained curriculum is what students learn. While most parents (and educators) assume congruity surrounded by the three entities, the discrepancy between them is, in practice, often surprisingly pronounced, in part because when teachers use the textbook as the curriculum for a course and cannot cover all the material, they commonly make independent and idiosyncratic decisions about what should be covered directly influencing the students opportunity to learn. Research on OTL establishes a compelling argument for curriculum articulation.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Good and Evil Essay Example for Free

Good and Evil EssayThere are many antithetical viewpoints on what is right and do by and ethic wholey and honourablely correct. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) and Jon Stuart Mill (1806-1873), both considered to be two of the stovepipe philosophers of all time, had different views on how one should live the Good Life. antic Stuart Mills supposition was called Utilitarianism and Kants theory, the Categorical Imperative. Immanuel Kant believed that it was more important for a person to ease up moral values than to be intelligent, funny, or to hurl any separate talents or traits of the human mind or body. He believed of track that it was good to have these talents but that moral worth was invalu up to(p). Kant expressed, to act morally is to act from no other demand than the motive of doing what is right (Sommers Sommers, 2010, p. 230). Kant believed that worship was non skillful about the solvents or effect of an pull through but the will behind the action. He believed t hat our actions must come from a sense of handicraft, non because we feel for for or love one another but because it is our Duty to respect the Moral Law (p. 246). mind the importance of a decision based on whether or not it was following a hulk or set of rules is called deontological ethics. He believed that it was not the consequences of the action which were important but the persons motive carrying out the said action. Many disagree with Kant saying that we must have a foundation to find from, a reason such as love or concern to do what is morally correct. John Stuart Mill believed that our actions must parent happiness to all abstruse, not just the person doing the action for it to be morally correct. Mill endorsed the principle of utility consequently that actions are correct ifthey produce happiness and wrong if resulting in the opposite of happiness. Mills version of the Golden Rule is To do as you would be done by, and to love your neighbor as yourself (p. 211). Mil l defended Utilitarianism saying that the result and consequences of the action, to produce happiness that is, would necessitate the said action correct. This is called the Greatest Happiness Principle. Utilitarianism is not based on the happiness or ecstasy of one individual but of the whole mass or classify of people involved, the welfare of all citizens (Rachels Rachels, 2012, p.101). Casablanca In the movie Casablanca, the main character, turn Blaine believed in living the Good Life just handle John Stuart Mill. He also was concerned with the consequences of action. Rick also seemed to be like Kant in that he had a strong sense of duty professionally. Rick had a duty to himself, which he made gather in on many occasions, but also had a duty to his acquaintances and patrons of his cabaret. Rick made decisions to promote happiness, like Mill, but his decisions were based on selfish reasons.If others were happy he would make more money. Rick could have been considered a Util itarian because he made decisions many times to put the happiness of the group ahead of the happiness of one individual, hence the second proposition of Classical Utilitarianism An actions consequences publication only insofar as they involve the greater or lesser happiness of individuals (Rachels Rachels, p. 110, para. 1). In the beginning, Rick made the decision to let the police take Ugarte into custody so as not to disrupt the rest of the patrons.He also did it to make himself happy so that he would not have any problems with the authorities, so his establishment would run smoother, and also so he would be able to have the exit visas that Ugarte had given him to hold onto. In the beginning Rick was only concerned with his stimulate happiness and he states this early on when he said, I stick my neck out for nobody. But, as the flooring progresses it seems that Rick started to make decisions to benefit others, not just him.When a young woman approached him and told him her st ory of wanting to get going to America he rigged the game to benefit her and her husband so that they would have the money to buy their passes. This would benefit both the man and woman, make him appear good, benefit his acquaintance who exchange the visas, and in-turn would probably come back to benefit him again. As stated earlier, Kant believed that one should have a moral obligation to do what is right and that it comes from a persons pure sense of duty not from any emotion.Kant strictly denied that emotions could have any foundation for morality at all and that we should actually issue our feelings by reason (Betzler, 2008, p. 308). Kant actually believed that it is an obligation and it is required to do what is morally right. This is how Rick appeared to be passim until he came into contact with his old love, Ilsa. Ilsa seemed to bring out the best in him. When he realized how much(prenominal) he really cared for Ilsa and loved her, he only wanted to see her happy even if it was not with him.In the end he made a decision for the greater good of all involved instead of just himself. He helped Ilsa and her husband leave Casablanca even though he knew he would get into trouble. Rick showed his real sense of moral value when he did this. Another character that also showed his morality was Captain Renault. He helped Rick many times and recognized his good intentions towards others at the end of the movie. It appeared as if Captain Renault was impressed by Rick putting Ilsa and Victor Laszlo first even though it meant he would not have her anymore.Captain Renault covered for Rick in the end so that Rick would not be arrested. Captain Renault also showed that he was looking out for the benefit of the group not just one person when he did this. So, who is to say what makes an action right or wrong? Does the action have to be backed by a sense of duty or should it be driven by love and compassion for others? Is it not only the consequence of the action that matters? If good comes from the action and the action comes from the heart, thus is it not good?Kant believed that love and compassion should not be allowed to cooperate in the performance of Duty (p. 247). Cannot Duty, love, compassion, and friendship work together to make a decision right and justified with the end result being happiness? References Betzler, M. (2008). Kants ethics of virtue. Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 9783110177282 Rachels, J. Rachels, S. (2012). The elements of moral philosophy (7th ed. ). New York, New York McGraw Hill Sommers, C. H. Sommers, F. (2010). viciousness and virtue in everyday life Introductory reading in ethics (8th ed. ). Belmont, CA Wadsworth

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

My Big Fat Greek Wedding Essay Example for Free

My Big Fat Greek Wedding EssayIn order for counsellors to function their clients evaluate their determine in either work or personal issues, they make them look towards some(prenominal) their set and interests. In a study conducted by Neville and Saber (1986), it was found that values are the objectives sought-after(a) in behaviour, whereas interests are the activities in which values are sought. Therefore, values determine why an individual may under cover a certain activity, whereas interests dictate what a person chooses to do.It has also been suggested that values are more correlated with work satisfaction (Rounds, 1990) as opposed to interests, which are more connected to the choices one may make in their career. The film, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, broaches the subject of values in a truly intricate valet de chambrener. The protagonist, Toula Portokalos, is brought up on three essential values Marry a Greek boy, start Greek babies, and feed everyone. As a result , she begins to resent everything Greek, as she scents that being Greek has overtaken everything she wants for herself.To the extent, that when she meets a man who is a regular American, she is almost ashamed of disclosing the fact that she comes form a Greek family. Dating a non-Greek and then eventually her decision to marry him evokes a guilt within her. This is because her parents have always taught her that marrying a Greek man and inevitably bearing his children is one of the fundamental points to her existence, the reason her parents had worked so hard to spend her the comfortable life she has had. Therefore, she is made to feel indebted to them. At this point, we see a classic incongruence surrounded by values and interests.On the one hand, we have her intrinsic values, what she wants for herself, personally, juxtaposed to the extrinsic values she needs to go through in order maintain her prestige, status, etc. It is interesting to see how despite the fact that Toula re sents the Greek values she has been brought up with, it is her values that Ian, her fiance, adopts when they decide to get married. For example, he converts to her faith, the wedding and reception take place in the Greek manner, and even at the end of the film, when they have a daughter, she is sent to Greek school.Ian is depicted as a WASP-ish individual with a very middle-upper class up-bringing. He comes from a family of lawyers and has rebelled against what is expected of him by adequate a teacher and then by marrying a Greek. However, Ian doesnt demonstrate the same guilt that is seen in Toula. In his academic study A Critical Analysis of Values Clarification, David Lipe argues that Moral education largely has been regarded as an integral part of institutions such as the family, the church and the school.This is very much evident in the film, as both Toula and Ian seem to be products of their environments. Therefore, if this couple were to receive counselling, the values that they have accumulated passim their lives would be an integral part of the process. This is because values are a direct reflection of our attitudes and therefore our beliefs. For example, if we take Toulas love for Ian as an example, she is willing to work hard to sustain that love, and to even make sacrifices.She has understandably learnt this ability from her mother, as this is also conveyed within the film. This childhood value therefore becomes a pillar within her character. If a counsellor was to overlook this whilst counselling her, he would miss a vital component to her personality and therefore risk prescribing the incorrect treatment for her. Values can be assessed by either a values inventory or a values clarification, and counsellors generally utilise these processes to treat people who feel confused or uncomfortable with their values.Both treatments focus on the patient examining their internal blueprint and fashion of their lives. These processes provide the means to both be retrospective and evaluating the values that have been instilled within us, which then in turn aids us to set goals and prioritise. Both exercises are carried out in the form of a questionnaire aimed specifically towards the individuals needs. This allows the patient to decide which goals are important and which may be leave aside.The clarification of our values would inevitably help us to strengthen our core values and achieve a wholeness. Inevitably, for the couple depicted in the film, this process would be vital if they were to ever need counselling. As essentially, their values are what makes the essence of them.Referenceshttp//www. apologeticspress. org/rr/reprints/Critical-Analysis-of-Values-Cla. pdf retrieved 22/01/09 Hood, A. B. and Johnson, R. W. 1997, Assessment in Counselling A Guide to the use of psychological assessment procedures, American Counselling Association, 3 ed

Monday, April 8, 2019

Emergency Response to a dirty bomb incident Essay Example for Free

Emergency Response to a dirty bomb incident EssayTerrorist activities and world contends that were experienced released receiving setactive elements to the environs which have evanesce to the raise of low direct thermo thermo atomic materials due to mental picture to the neutron radiation. Also activities carried out in hospitals and universities in an attempt of doing scientific research to come up with solutions to puzzle issues play a part in the release of low level waste materials that contain nuclear radiations. The radioactivity of the materials can be minimal or high depending on the period of time interpreted by the materials to absorb neutron radiations. Various National Regulatory Commission (NRC) policies and regulations have been formulated to guide towards the pr fifty-fiftytive disposal of these materials that will not result in the boilers suit deterioration of the environment or personate harm to the environment and its environs. The less radioactive l ow level nuclear waste is left to chemical decomposition reaction away and later disposed off as ordinary trash or collected in a heap to enable its shipment to sites approved by the guidelines underlying in the stipulated NRC policies and regulations (Berkhout, 2002).Terrorists or nations assiduous in wars use dirty bombs to cause psychological stress, mass panic and terror to the other war counterpart as the bombs do not cause mass destruction. However, the use of dirty bombs introduces fissile materials to the environment which undergo nuclear reactions as time passes to produce fission products which are dangerous because they contain nuclear electrons. These products pose danger to the nature of the environment as major components are affected such as air, soil and ozone among others greatly bear on the normal functions carried out by the physical attributes and habitats of the environment.The health of human beings is to a fault placed at a danger as fetal diseases and sym ptoms crop up leading to their remnant such as severe vomiting and swelling of human body parts. Also the economy of a country is affected placing the nation in an economic crisis that requires emergency strategies to pull back the nosedived economy so as to protect the country from economic collapse. Therefore, though the use of dirty bombs leads to the introduction of low level nuclear materials to the environment the after effects caused may be lethal thus the demand for unembellished care in the disposal and treatment mechanisms (Berkhout, 2002).The vengeance carried out by the Al Qaeda terrorists has lead to the adverse deterioration of the economic view of Hillsdale metropolitan due to the presence of radioactive materials which are affecting the development of the urban center. Some key areas in the city that are potential business sites have even been restricted from human activity due to the potential danger they portray to the humans.Research information collected by s cientists and scholars show that human activities may activate the radioactivity of the waste materials evident in the city causing more harm to the residents residing in the safer regions of the city and in neighboring towns. Therefore strategies that will picture the overall management of disposal and decontamination of the low level nuclear materials and the equipments used to collect and clean the materials should be formulated (Lynn et al., 2003). To be able to help the metropolitan respond effectively to emergency incases that result from radiological dispersal devices there should be establishment of regular training facilities, sessions and exercises that educate and prepare emergency solution cater members to be able to handle any incidents that will require the decontamination of the low level nuclear materials that exhibits danger to the environment and its inhabitants.These programs will help to educate the staff members and the communities at large on the dangers p ortrayed by the radioactive materials and understand the potential measures that should be followed to curb the danger. Also the necessary resources that are postulate to decontaminate the radioactive materials are availed during the training exercises and the appropriate method of handling the devices instilled into the emergency rescue staff members (Lynn et al. , 2003).The NRC should ensure thorough radiological assessment especially to the prohibited zones are conducted to enable collection of information that will help decide on which methods to use to decontaminate the low level nuclear materials liaising with the federal department for more information on the steps to take, for example deionizing activities that will stop the reactivity big businessman of the nuclear neutrons from forming fusion products that are a danger to the Hillsdale community and economy.Other methods include collection of the radio active materials into decontamination containers where they are hea ped to decrease their decaying time (Bolz, Dudonis Schulz, 2005). Campaigns that will create awareness to the public on the natural measures to undertake and the dangers the radioactive materials portray to them should be organized. To enable the success of these campaigns the department should work hand in hand with the ecology department and the environmental protection agencies to stipulate strategies that the public should emanate in case of potential dangers exhibited by the radioactive materials.For example when incidents of explosions occur the public should quickly evacuate from the affected areas and croak in directions that are free from the radioactive fallouts released by the explosion to prevent inhalation. They should also remove everything they had exhausted in the occurrence of the incidents safely disposing them and bath within the shortest time interval. The public should also not overhaul to shelters or use properties that may have harbored the fallout partic les for some hours (Lynn et al., 2003). The transport doings of the radionuclide elements or fallouts should be thoroughly researched to help in the implementation of geochemical and microbial characteristics to be imposed on the transport behavior of the fallouts. The dirty properties and clean up materials undergo vitrification process in an attempt to purify them where they are de-nitrated to add the stability of the fission product formed.Facilities that will enable ion exchange and synroc activities of decontaminating and disposing off the radioactive elements should be employed. tenacious term solutions that will enable disposal of the low level nuclear materials, clean up equipments and contaminated properties should be devised. For instance shafts that are approximately 500-1000 meters below the ground surface should be drilled to enable safe disposal of the radioactive nucleis. The decaying process that will follow will decrease the harm caused by the reactivity of thes e fallouts (Berkhout, 2002).The increased terrorist attacks will require the US government to formulate policies that will improve the overall process of decontaminating and disposing off low level nuclear materials that affect the social welfare and economic status of the nation. This will enable appropriate decisive and expert actions to be carried out within 48 hours of first appearance of dirty bombs, to effectively curb the dangers portrayed by the explosions that follow. Therefore the vulnerability of nations or cities for example Hillsdale from the consequences caused by use of dirty bombs will reduce creating a safe haven to the environment and its inhibitors.Reference magnetic inclinationBerkhout, F. , (2002). Radioactive Waste Politics and Technology. NY Routledge. Bolz, F. , Dudonis, J. K. Schulz, P. D. , (2005). The Counter terrorism Handbook Tactics, Procedures and Techniques. Boca Raton, FL CRC Press. Lynn, E. D. , LaTourrette, T. Public Safety and Justice syllabu s (Rand Corporation), (2003). Individual Preparedness and Response to Chemical, Radiological, Nuclear, and Biological Terrorist Attacks Chemical, Radiological, Nuclear, and Biological Attacks. Santa Monica Rand Corporation Press.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Death Among the Ibo Essay Example for Free

Death Among the Ibo EssayAlthough the book Things beam by and The Joys of Motherhood cover about seventy daytimes, the difference between life in mid-eighties Nigeria and Nigeria in the 1950s is extreme. The Ibo passel change from a clan and tribal people to a a lot less stuffyly knit people much same(p) Europeans or North Americans. The change should not necessarily be construed as an improvement in the life of the Ibo people.When Things Fall Apart begins the Ibo people ar much the same as they gift been for presumably centuries. They ar an agrarian people living close to the land without lives that have isolated and sanitized from death. Death is a natural part of life and is common. They have rules and traditions that have taught them how to deal with death. Although many of their beliefs may see strange to people in the twenty-first ascorbic acid North America the seem to work well for the Ibo until their traditions are interrupted by European Christian mission aries.The Ibo beliefs have a certain innocence and simplified world view that is remarkably refreshing when compared to todays efforts to channel death away from society and to prolong death and aging as long as possible. in that respect is a matter of fact character in the Ibo approach to death that makes death both authentic and normal. thither are rules to be followed. When a man clogs with a swollen abdomen and swollen limbs, he is not to be buried in the earth because his body would pollute the land (Achebe, 14-15).When an Umuofia girl is murder, the leading meet to decide what to do. After discussion they decide they should request compensation for the girls death. They elect Okonkwo a tender leader who is a self-made man to visit the tribe of the man who has killed the girl and demand that a girl be sent to the Umuofia to replace the girl and another youth be given to the Umuofia as punishment for the murder. There is a balance here that lacks the vengeance of an eye f or an eye of the Judeo-Christian culture. kind of it is more than of a tit for tat repartee. Okonkwo visits the neighboring tribe and presents them with the demands of the Umuofia.Clearly there is the threat that fight will result if their demand is not met, but it is not made in the do it or else manner common in the twentieth and twenty-first century western civilization. The tribe agrees to the demands of the Umuofia and gives a youthful girl who is given to the father of the murdered girl. A second youth, Ikemefuna sent to the Umuofia where he is given to the pull of Okonkwo with whom he lives for three years where he is treated like a son Three years later the leaders decide Ikemefuna should be killed to satisfy justice about the girls murder. Despite his having treated Ikemefuna as a son, Okonkwo get ins in the slaying. He does this in spite of a warning of an elder not to participate because Ikemefuna calls Okonkwo Father. Okonkwo seems surprised about this warning. Th e decision has been made by the Umuofia leaders and therefore must be followed.There are several interesting attitudes about death and children. Certainly infant death is common among the Ibo. When a child survives infancy and it appears will live to become an adult, the child is said to be staying (Achebe, 42). Similar to this is a belief that around children are reluctant to be born into this world and retain a iyi-uwa that allows them to die so they can be reborn to their mother to torment them. To stop this cycle a medicine man will take the body of the deceased infant and mutilate it so that it will be unable to return, though some have been know to return with a missing finger or mark from the medicine mans action.Okonkwo who is a renown and admired member of the Umuofia accidentally kills a youth, he and his family are banished. When this happens Okonkwo appears to accept his sentence stoically because it is the established rule. During his banishment European, Christian mi ssionaries move into the area and begin to down the Ibo. Laws are made and enforced by hanging and imprisonment. Ibo who suffer such punishment lose their hauteur and are no longer the man he had worked to be. When Okonkwo knows that he is going to be killed by the Europeans, he hangs himself rather than submit to the white mans law.As one might expect from the title Emechetas book, The Joys of Motherhood is more concerned with childbirth and motherhood than with death. It is interesting that the perspective of this book is decidedly written from the female period of view and is concerned with life, instead of the masculine point of view expressed in Things Fall Apart where death is a more prominent concern.In this book death is treated much like it is today. The characters in this book no longer live in the tribal or clan partnership that Okonkwo lived in where death is considered a normal part of life. Instead they move to the city, Lagos, where they work for low stipend doing the chores the more wealthy white people consider beneath them. Here death is not so common and not accepted so easily. When Nnu Egos son dies in infancy and she attempts to commit suicide, she is judged as psychotic until she is able to move on and continue her day to day life. Her dead sons body is taken away soon to be replaced by the birth of additional children.Death is less acceptable and hidden from the people because the British people dont want to think about it. Instead they sanitize it and move it away from day to day life. This happens to the Ibo as well as they move into the twentieth century British colonial lifestyle. foreign the deaths occurring seventy years earlier where the clan is aware of each death and is able to accept it for the pastime of the clan, Nnu Ego dies lying at the side of the road unrecognized. She is not missed by her clan or her people who are scattered throughout the country.The lack of concern about the rights of the individual regarding de ath in Achebes book is disturbing. Given todays sensibilities where the individual is more important than the society the idea of replacing one murdered girl with another girl to take her place and the idea of offering a hostage as a response to having committed a crime is troubling. People today want to move on and get on with their lives after death, almost as if they were to acknowledge death, they will be stricken with some horrible contagious disease.Acceptance of death is still a societal problem today. Americans today seem unable to accept it. However, after reading these books, one if forced to wonder which of the approached to death, the 1880s Ibo, the 1950s Ibo, or that of Americans in 2006 is best. In some ways the 1880s version with its innocent and almost nostalgic response to death seems to the best.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

The limits to confidentiality Essay Example for Free

The limits to confidentiality EssayWhat atomic number 18 the limits to confidentiality? Describe a land site in which you might breach confidentiality. What are the legal and ethical implications of such a decision? avocation General BusinessHuman services professionals a lot need to force ethical decisions when providing support to clients. conclusion making models help supply guidance to slick managers and other military personnel services professionals. Complete the University of genus Phoenix Material Decision Making Models found in this weeks materials section of your classroom con favour of public transportation. College is expensive enough without adding muff and car maintenance to the equation. Many college campuses have arrangements with their metropolis private instructor system that allow students to ride for free. nigh college campuses have everything you need withing a short surmount so avoid driving whenever you can.This file of BSHS 335 Week 2 Discuss ion Question 1 containsWhat are the limits to confidentiality? Describe a situation in which you might breach confidentiality. What are the legal and ethical implications of such a decision?Read moreConfidentiality and Disclosing ConcernsBusiness General BusinessHuman services professionals often need to make ethical decisions when providing support to clients. Decision making models help supply guidance to case managers and other human services professionals. Complete the University of Phoenix Material Decision Making Models found in this weeks materials section of your classroomTake advantage of public transportation. College is expensive enough without adding gas and car maintenance to the equation. Many college campuses have arrangements with their city bus system that allow students to ride for free. Most college campuses have everything you need withing a shortdistance so avoid driving whenever you can.Take advantage of public transportation. College is expensive enough witho ut adding gas and car maintenance to the equation. Many college campuses have arrangements with their city bus system that allow students to ride for free. Most college campuses have everything you need withing a short distance so avoid driving whenever you can.Business General BusinessHuman services professionals often need to make ethical decisions when providing support to clients. Decision making models help supply guidance to case managers and other human services professionals.

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Change of the Rights and Free

The Change of the Rights and Freedoms of Australian Women over the Past 100 Years EssayThe progression of the rights and freedoms of women has changed drastically over the past 100 years. Women have felt the need to stand up for their rights and change the conventional sort out of women from, weak and unambitious to strong and determined beings. There were two main time periods where their rights were recognised throughout Australia. The counterbalance took prop in the early twentieth century, where women rallied for the rights to vote and stand for elections. The south took place in the mid-sixties and 1970s, when handed-down roles of women were challenged. The third aspect that will also be looked at in this essay, are influential women in the two time periods that made the rights and freedoms of women change for the better. In the early 20th century, women believed that they had the right to vote and stand for elections in their respective states because they were worki ng in jobs similar to men. They also believed that the stereotype of them not having the intellect ability to understand politics was false. In 1914, the Victorian Local Government execution Amendment allowed women eligible for election on the same basis.The same happened in 1915 in Queensland, 1918 in New southwestward Wales, 1920 in Western Australia and 1921 in Tasmania. Women who had law degrees wanted to be part of a judiciary to scram juries. This was introduced for the first time in Queensland, in the year 1923. Other aspects of womens rights were overlooked by the Australian Government and in 1928, 1000 women gathered in Sydney to protest for their rights. Many Australian women were getting big(predicate) before the age of eighteen and had no financial aid to support their child.The Racial Hygiene linkup set up the first birth control clinic in Australia in Sydney in 1933. To support infantile mothers and mothers in general, the Child Endowment Act, formed in 1941 allo wed payment directly to the mother of an allowance for to each one child under the age of sixteen. The allowance was 5 shillings per week. Women who had occupations during the wartime were given set wage rates by the Womens Employment Board, which was set up by the Federal Government in 1942. Women in the 1960s were more outgoing in challenging the traditional roles of women in the form of protest.Intellectual females debated of changes to civil rights, the check, marijuana, conscription and the involvement in the Vietnam War. The collection of intellectuals and their belief to change the freedom and rights of women created the Womens Liberation operation (WLM) in 1960. The WLM set a few guidelines that they wanted to address and improve in Australia. The first was sexuality. Judiciaries evermore overlooked cases that were linked to rape and sexual harassment. The WLM wanted these cases to be looked into to give sexually abused victims peace. The second was education.The female intellectuals wanted to spread literature among other women. Many women in the 60s and 70s were illiterate, whereas men were taught how to read and compose from a young age. The last guideline was health. Women wanted to be able to have easy entrance fee to contraception, abortion and protection from abusive men. They also wanted to do more research for health conditions, such as, breast cancer and cervical cancer. Many laws have resulted due to the formation of the WLM. The Maternity Leave Act, created in 1973 allowed working mothers to have a 12 month unpaid leave that wouldnt affect their jobs.In June 1977, The Anti Discrimination Act aimed to stop discrimination against race, gender or marital status. The Equality of perspective of Childrens Act was created in December 1977 allowed children born out of marriages to have legal status. Women wanted to survey jobs that were mostly pursued by men. In 1986, The Equal Opportunity for Women Act restricted barriers, which prohibi ted women from pursue jobs that should be available to them. There were many females in Australia who were activists and believed that Australian women needed to be more confident(p) and believe that they were capable of performing male superior jobs.Edith Cowan was the first woman elected to an Australian parliament in Western Perth, Western Australia in the year 1921. Women from different states were inspired by Cowan and in Queensland, Irene Longman was the first woman to be elected in the Queensland parliament in 1929. In 1937, Ivy Webber represented the unite of Women Electors on a platform of Mother, Child, Family, Home and Health. This is because Webber believed that women needed help with motherhood, children, family, marital problems, home and health. In 1972, Helen Reddy produced a song called I am Woman. The song became the unofficial anthem of the WLM as well.The United Nations declare that it was International Womans Year in 1975. Many women went to extremes to pr otest for their rights. Zelda DAprano chained herself to the solid ground building in 1969 in Melbourne as a sign of protest for the equal pay of working women. In 2004, DAprano was made the officer of the order of Australia as acknowledgement for her work in canvassing on womens workplace issues. Women have evolved over the past 100 years and have been more determined to strive for freedoms and rights. There is a pressing need for women to acquire jobs. This is partly due to the drop of pressure to get married.The few who do attain high positions still have to deal with traditional attitudes towards women the belief that they are less capable than men, sexual harassment and public focus on their visual aspect and their family responsibilities. Even till this day, women are still looked down upon and they themselves feel the need to prove themselves to the society ring them. Julia Gillard, Australias current Prime Minister says that she would never be where she is today if she wasnt raised by a single mother and if she allowed gender criticism to jeopardise her intent to become Prime Minister.