Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Management and Labour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management and Labour - Essay Example They can either make or break it. Thus, cooperation between the two, working as one unified body towards the goal of the organisation, is crucial, especially so that what brings profit to the organisation is no other than employee’s productivity. Yet, the source of strength of any organisation is also its weakest point because the required unity between management and labour is something elusive to achieve. Worse, it is oftentimes the source of hostility that usually brings the organisation down. As management represents the interest of the capital – gaining super-profit at the expense of exploiting labour – to achieve employee’s trust and full-cooperation for utmost productivity is a century-old challenge to management. This inherent contradiction between management and labour is seen as the usual reason why do employees restrict the level of their output. But as organisational relationships evolve in the course of time, giving more attention on human relations, and as technology displaces labour giving more leverage to management, problems of lessened employee productivity is no longer attributed to labour exploitation but to poor management. Labour is the most productive force of production because no else has the power to produce but the worker’s productivity. Even with the modernisation of technology, the crucial role of labour in capitalist production remains. Thus, ensuring worker’s high performance rate is key function of management, because anything that may cause reduction in the worker’s level of output is detrimental to the interest of the capitalist. But what makes employee restrict their output level –is it the management or the worker’s exploited working condition? To answer this question, it would be best to understand first man’s concept of work. What is work to man? What makes man work? What discourages man to work? Man works not simply to work

Monday, October 28, 2019

Describe the possible signs Essay Example for Free

Describe the possible signs Essay Bullying is not defined as a form of abuse in Working Together but there is clear evidence that it is abusive and will include at least one, if not two, three or all four, of the defined categories of abuse. Recognising child abuse is not easy. It is not our responsibility to decide whether or not child abuse has taken place or if a child is at significant risk of harm from someone. We do however, have both a responsibility and duty, as set out in your organisation’s child protection procedures, to act in order that the appropriate agencies can investigate and take any necessary action to protect a child. Physical abuse Physical abuse is deliberately causing physical harm to a child. This might involve punching; kicking, biting, burning, scalding, shaking, throwing or beating with objects such as belts, whips, or sticks. It also includes poisoning, giving a child alcohol or illegal drugs, drowning or suffocation. Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of illness in a child. Signs of Physical Abuse There are certain signs that need to be acknowledged when suspicion arises that physical abuse is occurring: Any injuries not consistent with the explanation given to staff. Injuries which occur to any part of the body but usually in places which are not normally exposed to falls or rough games Injuries which have not received medical attention Reluctance to change in the heat, or to change/participate in activities such as, PE or swimming Bruises (usually in clusters), human bites, cigarette burns and fractures, for example, which do not have an accidental explanation multiple burns with a clearly demarcated edge Fear of parents being approached for an explanation Flinching when approached or touched Aggressive behaviour and/or sudden anger outbursts Depression Running away from home Possible effects of physical abuse Physical abuse can lead directly to neurological damage, physical injuries, disability and in extreme cases death. Physical abuse has been linked to aggressive behavior in children, emotional and behavioral problems and learning difficulties. Emotional Abuse Emotional abuse is where repeated verbal threats, criticism, shouting, lack of love and affection causes a severe adverse effect on a childs emotional development. It consists of communicating to children that they are worthless, unloved, and inadequate or valued. Emotional abuse may include not giving a child opportunities to express their views, deliberately silencing them or making fun of what they say. It may feature inappropriate expectations being imposed on a child, over protection and limitation of exploration and learning, or preventing the child from taking part in normal social interaction. Signs of possible emotional abuse †¢ Depression, aggression, extreme anxiety, changes or regression in mood or behavior, particularly where a child withdraws or becomes clingy †¢ Obsessions or phobias †¢ Sudden underachievement or lack of concentration †¢ Seeking adult attention and not mixing well with other children †¢ Sleep or speech disorders †¢ Low self-esteem †¢ Fear of parents/carer being approached regarding their behavior †¢ Fear of making mistakes Possible effects of emotional abuse This type of abuse can lead to adverse long-term effects on the child’s development. Emotional abuse has a significant impact on a developing childs mental health, behavior and self-esteem. This type of abuse is as important as the other three types, and can be detected as the signs are more visible and can be easily detected. Domestic violence, adult mental health problems and parental substance misuse may be features in families where children are exposed to such abuse. Sexual Abuse Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. This may involve physical contact including penetrative sex, oral sex, masturbation, kissing, rubbing, or touching outside of clothing, or it may involve non-contact activities such as involving children in watching sexual activities, producing or looking at sexual images, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet). Abusers can be men, women or other children. Between 21% and 36% of sexually abused children will display few or no symptoms but it is usually a child’s behavior which becomes a cause for concern. Children who tell of sexual abuse do so because they want it to stop therefore is extremely important to listen to a child that discloses such an allegation. Signs of possible sexual abuse †¢ Any allegations made by a child concerning sexual abuse †¢ self-harming, sometimes leading to suicide attempts †¢ Sexual activity through words, play or drawing †¢ Repeated urinary infections, itching or bleeding around genital area and/or unexplained stomach pains †¢ The child is sexually provocative or seductive with adults †¢ Saying they have a secrets that they cannot share with anyone †¢ Severe sleep disturbances with fears, phobias, vivid dreams or nightmares which sometimes have overt or veiled sexual connotations or bedwetting †¢ Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia Possible effects of sexual abuse Behavior such as self-harm, inappropriate sexual behavior, sadness, depression and loss of self-esteem has all been linked to sexual abuse. The effects of sexual abuse can affect the individual into their adult life. The extent or the severity of each case is determined by the time span of abuse, the more serious the abuse, the younger the child is and the relationship of the child to the abuser. Once sexual abuse has been identified the support of an adult who believes the child helps, starts to help the child understand the abuse and can therefore offer help and protection to the abused child. Neglect Neglect has been described as the â€Å"most serious type of child maltreatment and the least understood† (Crittenden 1999: 67). It is the most common reason for a child to be placed on the child protection register in the UK. Neglect is the failure to meet a child’s basic physical and or psychological needs, which is likely to affect the child’s health or development. Neglect is when a parent or carer fails to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter (including exclusion from home or abandonment), medical care, or protection from physical and emotional harm or danger. Additionally failure to ensure access to education or to look after a child because the carer is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, is considered as Neglect. Signs of possible neglect †¢ Dirty skin, body smells, unwashed, uncombed hair and untreated lice †¢ Clothing that is dirty, too big or small, or inappropriate for weather conditions †¢ frequently left unsupervised or alone †¢ Frequent diarrhoea †¢ complaints of being tired all the time †¢ Untreated illnesses, infected cuts or physical complaints which the carer doesn’t respond to †¢ frequently hungry sometimes stealing other children’s food †¢ Being underweight Possible effects of neglect Neglect can seriously impair a childs health, physical and intellectual growth and development, and can cause long term difficulties with social functioning, relationships and educational progress. Extreme cases of neglect can cause death. Bullying Bullying is also recognized as a type of abuse. Bullying is always distressing for the victim and can have serious consequences. Bullying should always be taken seriously. Emotional bullying is the most commonly reported by children and young people and is often more difficult to spot. Bullying can take place both inside and outside of the school. Bullying happens when an individual or a group show hostility towards an individual and this can be: †¢ Emotional, such as name-calling, not talking to someone, taking or hiding personal items, humiliating, spreading rumors or teasing †¢ Physical, such as pushing, kicking, hitting, pinching or threatening to use physical force †¢ Racist, such as racial taunts or gestures †¢ Sexual, such as inappropriate physical contact, sexual comments and innuendo, or homophobic taunts. Signs of possible bullying Loss of personal possessions, dinner money or items of clothing Torn clothing, maybe even having cuts and bruises (if physically bullied) Shyness, withdrawn behavior, lack of self-esteem and depression Aggressive, bad tempered behavior and may become aggressive to younger siblings Threaten or attempt suicide Not achieving very well academically Not wanting to leave their home Possible effects of bullying Bullying will most definitely affect a child’s social and emotional development as they have very low self-esteem maybe depression and will probably try to isolate themselves from others which will have a profound effect on their social skills with their peers and pretty much everybody around them, they may become aggressive and bad tempered and may threaten or attempt suicide and in some extreme cases may actually commit suicide. Cyber-bullying In recent years, a new form of bullying known as ‘cyber-bullying’ has become increasingly common. Cyber-bullying may be emotional, racist or sexual forms of abuse. It happens through emails, text messages or telephone calls. Information about someone may also be shared by putting it on to social networking sites. This can include the sharing of private photographs. Children and young people who use this method of bullying often feel disassociated from their actions, but the consequences can be just as serious for the child. This type of bullying can be particularly distressing as children are unable to get away from it, it even invades their home.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Importance of History in George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984) :: Nineteen Eighty-Four 1984 Essays

The Importance of History in 1984 Â   Time is an amazing element of the universe we are in. It is a driving force - we cannot speed it up or slow it down, it perpetually marches forward at a constant speed. After a moment in time has past, it becomes the past, and we have absolutely no way of going back to it to experience it again in a new way. Once time has past, all that remains is our perception of it. History is nothing more than our collective perceptions of the past. And perception is not like time - it is not constant, it can be altered. In George Orwell's 1984, the leaders of the Party use written records to alter the peoples' perception of history, ultimately as a means of control. Â   Everyone has different perceptions of the same reality. Everything that we experience is altered by our individual perceptions. There is one reality, but each person experiences slightly different versions of that reality. The source or reason for this is the individual experiences of each person. Everything we experience in our lives piles up to form our past. Our memory brings back experiences from this heap of the past. These memories combine with the reality we are experiencing in the present to form our individual perception of reality. Â   Everything is perceived differently by each person, and different perceptions of reality vary greatly. An potato is a completely different thing to a farmer and a chef. The idea of music is completely different to a musician and a deaf person. Hitler was a completely different person to a Nazi and a Jew. Even though there is really only one real idea of a potato, one definition of music, and one Hitler, many different realities of these exist within people's perception. Â   History is convoluted by perception. There are two ways of looking at history: through our own memories and perception, and through that of others. It is impossible to preserve history in its ideal form. If we look at history through our own memories, we will not see the reality of history, we will see our individual version of the reality. The same thing happens when we look at history through the memories and perception of others. Media is sometimes used to preserve history, but even this is only a perceived version of history.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Common Sickness Experience by Seafarers

Introduction Seafarers both work and live in the same place for varying lengths of time, at times away from their usual place of residence. Seafarers’ stays being restricted more or less to port towns or cities, they are therefore, at the risk of contracting infectious sickness at ports of call in different countries. It can be argued out that, with â€Å"turn around† times at ports of call being short at present, the risk should be considered less; however, this is not the situation as demonstrated by some studies conducted in the recent past.It may be that other factors such as recruiting seafarers from countries where certain infectious diseases are endemic without conducting a proper pre-recruitment medical examination, sexual behavior on board, intra-venous drug abuse on board, living in close proximity to infected carriers, use of unhygienic food and water obtained at ports of call for consumption on board can still, cause infectious diseases among international s eafarers. The effort of reducing and combating the rapid global spread of infectious diseases is no simple task.The causes are multifaceted and thought to be identified before seeking their control. Most infectious diseases are preventable but their a etiology oftentimes lies outside the control of the health sector. Most of all, seafarers encountered this sickness because when they get to the other country some crew member cannot resist the weather of one country, most areas of the world costing substantial proportion of sicknesses Against this backdrop it is without doubt that global spread of infectious diseases had exacerbated and persists as a challenge to the seafarers health and also to national health economies. 1In present day, seafarers where aware some diseases like Hepa, this diseases is danger in health of all human, hepa might came from dirty food or something. Not also from seafarers this is also for all people we should be aware dangerous diseases. Seafarers can cost sickness due to their emotions, they miss their families or even other they are lack of eating from time to time, and it has been happen the given outline above like injuries, poisons, diseases. crew members must have skills to avoid sickness of their daily lives to prevent good health in a right situations.2 Chapter II Discussion of Findings I. Common forms of sickness . Injuries – is a legal term for an injury to the body, mind or emotions as opposed to an injury to property. a. Eye injuries – cost an flicking sand, flying pieces of wood and glasses. b. Head injuries – is also the common sickness of seafarers like they smell a bad chemical on board ship or some they smell a chemical that is bad to their daily activities. c. Bone, joint and muscle injuries – it is the result of high force impact or stress while joint injury if more often caused by a sudden impact to the joint, the ligaments always became damaged as a result of a dislocation. http://en. wiki/ Personal Injuries y:James Gillay 2. Disease – is an abnormal condition that affect the body of an organism. It is often construed as a medical condition associated with specifics symptoms and signs. d. Skin disease – are common for people of all ages whether you suffer with a rash, itchy skin, fungus or infection, skin bumps or skin tags. e. Infection disease – an organisms that are capable of causing disease are called pathogens. A pathogen attacks the body infection occurs whether the infection becomes a disease.But the pathogens get past the defenses infection spreads and causes an infection disease most can be passed from individual. World health organisms International Medical Guide, WHO 2007) 3. Poisoning – are substances that cause disturbance to organisms, usually by chemical reaction or other activity on the molecular scale, when a sufficient quantity is absorbed by an organisms. f. Toxic – Toxic is the degree to which a substance ca n damage an organism. Toxicity can refer to the effect on a whole organism, such as an animal, bacterium, or plant, as well as the effect on a substructure of the organism, such as a cell (cytotoxicity) or an organ such as the liver (hepatotoxicity).By extension, the word may be metaphorically used to describe toxic effects on larger and more complex groups, such as the family unit or society at large. â€Å"Toxicity Endpoints & Tests†. AltTox. org. Retrieved 25 February 2012. g. Venom – Venom is the general term referring to any variety of toxins[1] used by certain types of animals that inject it into their victims by the means of a bite, sting or other sharp body feature. [2] Unlike poison, which is ingested or inhaled, venom is usually delivered directly into the lymphatic system, where it acts faster.Graystock, Peter; Hughes, William O. H. (2011). h. Poison to gases – are used in industry as chemical reagents. The chemical reactions they can be used for are more important than their toxicity. Today, chemists try to avoid the use of poisonous gases, but it is often not possible. Examples of large-volume industrial poisonous gases are hydrogen sulfide, cracked from oil, chlorine, in diverse chemical uses and to disinfect drinking. 4 i. Food Poisoning –You may sometimes become very ill with the food poisoning problems after you eat the food.Graystock, Peter; Hughes, William O. H. (2011). II. Causes of Illness j. Accident – An accident or mishap is an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance, often with lack of intention or necessity. It usually implies a generally negative outcome which may have been avoided or prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence002E International Labour Organization (ILO) k. Bacteria- constitute a large domain of prokaryotic microorganisms.Typically a few micrometres in length, bacteria have a wide range of shapes, ranging fro m spheres to rods and spirals. Bacteria were among the first life forms to appear on Earth, and are present in most habitats on the planet, growing in soil, water, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste,[2] and deep in the Earth's crust, as well as in organic matter and the live bodies of plants and animals, providing outstanding examples of mutualism in the digestive tracts of humans, termites and cockroaches.On February 6, 2013, scientists reported that bacteria were found living in the cold and dark in a lake buried a half-mile deep under the ice in Antarctica. Gorman, James (6 February 2013). 5 l. Virus – is a small infectious agent that can replicate only inside the living calls of an organism, iruses can infect all type of organisms from animals, plants to bacteria and archea. Mary, Brouson M. 1994 m. Chemical Exposure – can result in varying symptoms with different degress of danger mild reactions including buring and tearing of the eyes. WHO press, 2007 III.Reme diations n. First Aid – is the provision of immediate care to a victim with an injury or illness usually effected by a lay person, and performed within a limited skill range. First Aid is normally performed until the injury of illness is satisfactorily dealt with a paramedic or doctors. Insel, Paul M. and Roth, Walton T. mayfield company. 1998 o. Herbal Cure – is the study and use of medicinal properties of plants. The scope of herbal medicine is sometimes extended to include fungal and bee products, as well as minerals, shells and certain animal parts.Pharmacognosy is the study of all medicines that are derived from natural sources. Lichterman, B. L (2004) 6 p. Protection – The protection of sources, sometimes also referred to as the confidentiality of sources or in the U. S. as the reporter's privilege, is a right accorded to journalists under the laws of many countries, as well as under international law. Simply put, it means that the authorities, including t he courts, cannot compel a journalist to reveal the identity of an anonymous source for a story.The right is based on a recognition that without a strong guarantee of anonymity, many people would be deterred from coming forward and sharing information of public interests with journalists. As a result, problems such as corruption or crime might go undetected and unchallenged, to the ultimate detriment of society as a whole. In spite of any such legal protections, the pervasive use of traceable electronic communications by journalists and their sources provides governments with a tool to determine the origin of information. 1] In the United States, the federal government legally contends that no such protection exists for journalists. Liptak, Adam (February 11, 2012). q. Medical assistance – is a non-licensed allied health occupation who reform administrative and clinical tasks to support the work of physicians and other health professionals. They preformed tasks procedures suc h as measuring patients vital signs, administering medications and injections, recording information in medical records keeping systems. Ventura, Florencio T. Medical First Aid

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How The American Revolution Started Essay

The American Revolution was the colonists breaking from monarchy and switching to Democracy. The outcome of the movement lead to the Declaration of independence, and then the creation of America. There are several reasons why the American Revolution began, here are a few. The sugar act, or the American Duties Act was passed in 1764 for the sole purpose to raise money for the French Indian war. The Act forced a tax of three cents on sugar that was shipped to the new colony. The act also placed tax on Molasses to stop merchants from smuggling it in. Of course the tax was placed onto the colony while they were in a state of financial depression. In response, the Merchants refused to buy luxury British imports, but the rebellion didn’t start until the Quartering act and the Stamp act began. The Quartering act was created in 1765. Colonists were told to house, feed, and care for the troops as they came. The act backfired in 1766 when 1,500 troops appeared in New York. The Provincial Assembly refused to obey the law, and refused to provide the soldiers with any alms. Because they refused, Parliament said they’d suspended New Yorks Governor and Legislature until 1769, but never carried it out. Soon after, the Assembly agreed to accumulate money to quarter the troops. After that, the Quartering act was avoided in all states except Pennsylvania. The Stamp act began in 1765 when George Grenville raised the taxes on most things in the American Colony. Initially he wanted to raise taxes in Britain, but that was out of the question because of the hostile reaction after the Cider Tax. So instead decided to raise tax on the new colony without asking their permission. The colonists responded immediately by debating in the colonial legislatures, creating mob crowds, tarring, and feathering. All in all, the colonists finally showed their displeasure for all the new laws through â€Å"The Boston Tea Party†. The Boston Tea Party was a political protest against the taxes. A group, named the â€Å"Sons of liberty†, came up with the idea to dress as Indians (which didn’t fool anyone) and toss all the crates of Tea that came in, into the harbor. The British Government responded harshly, and it grew into the American Revolution as we know it. In the end, the American Revolution got rid of increasing restrictions placed on the colonies from Britain. It’s estimated that only one-third of the colonists were in favor of rebellion, one-third sided with the British, and the last third were all neutral concerning the rebellion and break from Great Britain.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Marketing Research Process

The marketing research process is the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information. Information is used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions, monitor marketing performance and improve understanding of marketing as a process. The marketing research process specifies the information required to address these issues, designs the methods for collecting information, manages and implements the data collection process, analyzes, and communicates the findings and their implications. The four steps in this process are : 1). Defining the problem and the research objectives Before starting the actual research process, marketers must determine the source of the problem, in order to be able to conduct the relevant research and avoid wasting time and money. A proper definition of the problem is the basic step to the whole process. Defining research objectives involves carrying out preliminary research and this includes, exploratory research, descriptive research and causal research. Exploratory research is marketing research to gather preliminary information tat will help define the problem and suggest hypothesis. Descriptive research is marketing research tat describes in a better way marketing problems, situations or markets. Causal research is marketing research to test hypothesis about cause and effect relationships. 2). Developing the research plan to collect the information. The second step of the marketing research process requires, determining the specific information needed, developing a plan for gathering it efficiently and presenting it to the marketing management. The plan illustrates sources of existing data, and determines what research approach, contact methods, sampling plan, and research instruments will be employed to gather relevant new data. The research approach includes: observa... Free Essays on The Marketing Research Process Free Essays on The Marketing Research Process The marketing research process is the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information. Information is used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions, monitor marketing performance and improve understanding of marketing as a process. The marketing research process specifies the information required to address these issues, designs the methods for collecting information, manages and implements the data collection process, analyzes, and communicates the findings and their implications. The four steps in this process are : 1). Defining the problem and the research objectives Before starting the actual research process, marketers must determine the source of the problem, in order to be able to conduct the relevant research and avoid wasting time and money. A proper definition of the problem is the basic step to the whole process. Defining research objectives involves carrying out preliminary research and this includes, exploratory research, descriptive research and causal research. Exploratory research is marketing research to gather preliminary information tat will help define the problem and suggest hypothesis. Descriptive research is marketing research tat describes in a better way marketing problems, situations or markets. Causal research is marketing research to test hypothesis about cause and effect relationships. 2). Developing the research plan to collect the information. The second step of the marketing research process requires, determining the specific information needed, developing a plan for gathering it efficiently and presenting it to the marketing management. The plan illustrates sources of existing data, and determines what research approach, contact methods, sampling plan, and research instruments will be employed to gather relevant new data. The research approach includes: observa...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Bluest Eye- Difficulties within the Marriage essays

The Bluest Eye- Difficulties within the Marriage essays Have you ever known anyone with marriage problems? I fm sure you at least once or twice you have witnessed an argument, maybe even a separation or divorce. The main idea here is that this is all very normal. No marriage is at all easy, and it tends to come packaged with many disagreements and hardships. In the novel The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison uses the marriage between Pauline and Cholly to symbolize the difficulties a marriage can bring to life. Cholly is a drunk, abusive husband who turns violent almost every time he comes home. Pauline seems to be stuck in the past with her happy love thoughts about when she and Cholly first met. Throughout the book we get a close look at the relationship between Cholly and Pauline and all the difficulties that come with it. It raises some interesting questions as to why they are still together. Throughout the novel, Morrison seems to be saying that while being in a marriage, a person should take the good with the bad and realize th ings change with time. No two people are exactly the same and that right there is enough to cause differences in opinions and attitudes. From the way it sounds, their relationship starts out like any other, there are the many happy times and laughs that they share together. The relationship is new and exciting, and it seems as though the two of them will be perfect for each other. Then they decide to marry and the truth sinks in, this is for the long run. In order to make a marriage successful, two people have to work together to make things run the right way. The excessive drinking and abuse that Cholly shows towards Pauline has a lot to do with his past. His mom left him in a dumpster because she decided she didn ft want him, only to be rescued by his uncle. That fs a lot for someone to carry over his or her shoulders. The idea of knowing that his parents didn ft want him must have been an awful feeling. On the other hand, that should be all...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Coping with Quotations

Coping with Quotations Coping with Quotations Coping with Quotations By Mark Nichol A stock element of effective writing is to employ a quotation by a noted writer or other famous person to illustrate a point. But take care that when you seek to strengthen your work by alluding directly to another’s, you don’t in fact weaken it by committing one of the following errors: Attributing the Quote to the Wrong Source The Bible, William Shakespeare, and Mark Twain are sources of many memorable sentiments, but not every one. Some expressions or observations are paraphrases from Scripture, lines from other playwrights, or witticisms that Twain (or Benjamin Franklin, or Abraham Lincoln, or one of the other usual suspects) might wish he had actually thought up. (Sometimes, they are reworkings or inventions of biographers or other commentators.) Before you attribute a quotation, confirm authorship. If the source is doubtful, signal the lack of certainty by amending your statement of credit, for example, from â€Å"The observation of Benjamin Franklin . . .† to â€Å"The observation attributed to Benjamin Franklin . . .† or from â€Å"As Abraham Lincoln once said . . .† to â€Å"As Abraham Lincoln is believed to have said . . . .† Misquoting the Original Material Many quotations we take for granted are in fact not verbatim versions of the original statement. Sometimes, casual common use results in slightly altered wording becoming the standard interpretation. (See this list of misquoted quotations.) Again, confirm accuracy before repeating what you think someone wrote or said, or what a not-necessarily-reliable source passed on. Sometimes, however, the error may be deliberate: At the close of the film version of The Maltese Falcon, private detective Sam Spade’s last line comments on what all the fuss was about: â€Å"The stuff that dreams are made of.† This insight is based on a line from Shakespeare’s play The Tempest: â€Å"We are such stuff as dreams are made on.† Don’t blame Dashiell Hammett, author of the story the movie was based on; the line, which didn’t appear in the original, was crafted by director/screenwriter John Huston. It’s a potent phrase, revealing that Spade recognizes the futility of a quest to recover the titular treasure. But it also demonstrates that he is likely well educated enough to (slightly) misquote Shakespeare. To have him proclaim or even mutter, â€Å"The stuff that dreams are made on† would sound pretentious; the fact that he made a small error somehow makes his observation more authentic. Alternately, the character’s error might be a conscious decision: The preposition in â€Å"made on† implies that the â€Å"stuff† is a foundation for building dreams, while â€Å"made of† means that the â€Å"stuff† is the ingredient Spade’s more accurate assessment, in this case. Mistakenly Crediting Invention Shakespeare is widely hailed as the inventor of hundreds of words, phrases, and expressions. It is true that he and some of his contemporaries are responsible for enriching the English language by preserving numerous vivid terms, witty turns of phrase, and trenchant observations many of which we may use without realizing their origin for posterity. But it is more accurate to think of Shakespeare and other Elizabethan writers not as inventors of new words but as their distributors. We are forever in their debt for recording what they heard spoken on the street, at the market, and in the tavern or at court or the pithy prose from a speech or a letter, appropriating it for use in a play or a sonnet. It is to the Bard and his colleagues that we owe knowledge and use of words like hobnob, phrases such as â€Å"fair play,† and observations the likes of â€Å"All that glitters [originally, glisters] is not gold.† In addition, Shakespearean scholars are revising their estimates of the dates of completion for some of his plays; therefore, a contemporary playwright or other author thought to have quickly borrowed one of his coinages may have actually coined the word himself, and Shakespeare may in fact be the borrower. Although Shakespeare and others to whom we attribute such gems may have coined some of them, we err in invariably assigning them credit for their invention. It is better to say that someone popularized an existing word, phrase, or expression, which is laudable enough. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Opening Lines to Inspire the Start of Your Story50 Idioms About Fruits and Vegetables

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Wall Mart - Community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wall Mart - Community - Essay Example Wal-Mart is American Public Corporation that came into existence in 1962. Although it began as a grocery retailer, in now operates as a major chain of large discount stores and warehouses. Its various stores offer a wide variety of products, all of which are priced lower than its competitors. Although price is a major criterion, upon which many customers make buying decisions. Offering the lowest price and remaining profitable has many challenges. Wall Mart has over the years remained one of the largest retailers, and therefore becoming one of the leading private employers. There is a need therefore to investigate the claims made by the community so that the actual influence of Wall Mart on the community (Hicks, pg 2). The history of the problem can be traced from the concerns that most corporations have focuses on profit maximization at the expense of the interests of the community and employees who gives the economic power to such companies. The primary data I used to get a good understanding of how Wall Mart operates and the nature of issues facing included visiting a number of branches to observe the shoppers, employees and to interview employees and customers. I also observed the type of customers by age and interviewed about their perception of the impact made by Wall Mart to the local community. The secondary data I used included scrutinizing the annual consumerism report that compiled by organizations that represent employees and consumers. Majority of the people we interviewed were of the opinion that Wall Mart has over the years made a significant contribution to the local communities and the American economy in general. Many believed that since Wall Mart was founded based on offering the lowest price for all social groups; it has made important contributions to their lives, which can be categorized as follows. Wall Mart entered the market to offer

Unilateral and bilateral contracts Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Unilateral and bilateral contracts - Article Example Unilateral and bilateral contracts The distinction between bilateral and unilateral contracts has been considered a fundamental principle of contract law and essential to the order of the contractual system. The focus of this analysis is to critically evaluate the theoretical legal dichotomy between unilateral and bilateral contracts and consider the practical similarities between the two. If we firstly consider unilateral contracts, the concept of a unilateral contract is illustrated by reference to a classic contract law case of Carlil v Carbolic Smoke Ball Limited4. In this case, the defendant was the proprietor of a medical substance and placed and advert in the Pall Mall Gazette promising to pay $100 to anyone who used the carbolic smoke ball for two weeks and who for a limited time after contracted the flu virus. Mrs Carlil took the substance and contracted the flu virus and sued for the $100. Mrs Carlil's claim succeeded and on appeal, Carbolic Smoke Ball Limited argued that the advert did not constitute an offer but was rather an invitation to treat. The Court of Appeal rejected this argument and held that there was a legally enforceable contract. The advertisement constituted an offer to the whole world and was capable of amounting to an offer of a unilateral contract without the requirement for acceptance. Moreover, this decision was the first case to highlight the requirement of intention to create legal relations. The Carlil decision had far reaching implications for contract law, with some commentators arguing that there is no difference between an â€Å"invitation to treat† and a contractual â€Å"offer†."invitation to treat" and a contractual "offer"5. The law of contract stipulates three fundamental requirements for the formation of a legally enforceable contract; namely; offer, acceptance and consideration (it is important to note that contracting parties must have legal capacity to enter into a contract). Lord Wilberforce presiding in the case of New Zealand Shipping Co Limited v A M Satterhwaite, The Eurymedon6 asserted the rule for contract formation thus: "English law having committed itself to a rather technical'' doctrine of contract, in application takes a practical approach''. Into the market slots of offer, acceptance and consideration7. An "offer" in the context of contract law has been described as "an expression of willingness to contract on certain terms, made with the intention that it shall become binding as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed, the "offeree.8" The "expression9" may take different forms and the intention element is an objective consideration and the case of Smith v Hughes 10emphasised the relevant consideration as being a focus on how a reasonable person would view the situation. Furthermore, the law distinguishes between an offer and an invitation to treat, which is not an offer but an indication of willingness to negotiate a contract11. For example, in the case of Gibson v Manchester City Council12, the words "may be prepared to sell" constituted an invitation to treat and not a distinct offer. Moreover, an invitation to treat is an action inviting others to make an offer. Whereas an offer is itself binding, accepting an invitation to treat is making an offer13. This is particularly evident in the construction industry where tender

Friday, October 18, 2019

Role of Imagination and Creativity in Education Essay

Role of Imagination and Creativity in Education - Essay Example Several philosophers, thinkers, and theorists have come up with literary devices such as stories and allegories that depict the importance of education in the society as well as in the education system. This paper seeks to discuss the role of imagination and creativity in education with particular reference to the works of Malcolm X, Plato, and Carver. The most important aspect of life is education. Through education, the society gets to learn about the world as well as how things relate to each other. Therefore, education becomes an important process through which man can understand the world and how to utilize all the available opportunities and resources for the wellbeing of the whole society. However, these accomplishments cannot be achieved without the important aspect of creativity and imaginativeness. This is because the largest potential of resources and opportunities are not yet discovered and they will remain so until someone imagines new ways of utilizing the profound reso urces. The best illustration of the world and education system was well explained by Plato in his idea of allegory cave. According to Plato, uneducated people are just like the slaves who thought that the shadows were real people. Such people would take appearance for reality and would stay in such a state until someone decides to explore creatively beyond the realms of appearance. According to Plato, â€Å"the world of knowledge the idea of good appears last of all, and is seen only with an effort and when seen, is also inferred to be the universal author of all things beautiful and right, parent of light and of the lord of light in this visible world, and the immediate source of reason and truth in the intellectual† (Plato web). Truly, knowledge cannot be achieved without much effort. This is where imaginativeness comes in. Creativity calls for concerted effort to question the present knowledge with the aim of making further discoveries. Of course, education would be a simi lar phenomenon with the slaves in the allegory cave until creativity and imaginativeness in inducted into the system. There is a great difference between looking and vision as depicted in the story â€Å"Cathedral† by Raymond Carver. More importantly, understanding the level of knowledge is an essential element for survival of the society. It has been argued that the current education system was structured under pillars of conspiracy. It is argued that the education system was primarily aimed at producing workers for various industries. This could perhaps explain the evident lack of creativity in the education system. Education without creativity amounts to looking without vision. There is no deeper understanding of the underlying knowledge and therefore such an education system cannot be used to propel the society towards greater heights of accomplishment. This is evident from the Cathedral story. The narrator had physical eyes but in reality could not envision things at a g reater depth. He had little understanding of realities of life. For instance, he did not even understand his own wife the way the blind man did. He could not see anything beyond the surface value. He could not see beyond the poems â€Å"I didn’t think much of the poem. Of course, I did not tell her that. Maybe I just do not understand poetry† (Carver web). It was ironical that the blind man had a deep sense of understanding and vision than he did. The blind man used his imaginativeness and creativity to guide him to draw the cathedral According

Job Analysis and Rewards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Job Analysis and Rewards - Essay Example It could be performed through â€Å"Direct observation†, personal discussions, group sessions and use of expertise of technical or non- technical experts in the field. Besides this the use of subjective questionnaires and pre-prepared questionnaires may also be used, according to the needs of the situation (The worldatwork handbook of compensation, benefit & total rewards: A comprehensive guide for HR professionals 2007, p.181). One critical aspect that job analysis needs to consider is the evolving nature of corporate functioning, especially at an executive hierarchy.Thus, job descriptions may undergo major changes which need to be incorporated in the job analysis planning and in the determination of rewarding against job descriptions. There are, basically two aspects to be considered, firstly, nature of functions carried out by the employee and secondly, the level of performance. While nature could refer to job description and kind of work to be done, the level would determine what kinds of skill sets are required for the job, the level of responsibility and commitment to the job, and finally, what kind of compensation needs to be provided, in commensuration with the nature and level of the job carried out. Different job descriptions demand discrete requirements. In essence, the Human Resource Manager (HRM) needs to ensure that the skill sets, qualifications and experience of incumbents match with the demands and needs of the job and is a best fit. In some cases, work demands may require functioning at a higher level than the present one, and employers must thoroughly scan the potential of prospective employees in this regard. This could be in terms of length and intensity of work, its wider scope and the level of performance that is demanded at each hierarchy of organizational performance. Not only at an entry level, even along the career graph of any employee, at middle and top management levels, it is important that there is a proper matching between the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Speed of Trust part 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Speed of Trust part 3 - Essay Example She tells the truth no matter what the situation is. Her ability to talk straight confers basic elements to her that influences the successe of the unit. This element has led to improved manager’s relationships with the staff (Covey, & Merrill, 2009). The current manager ensures that the unit operates within the allocated budget while delivering results. The manager ensures successful completion of projects within the scope and expected results. She ensures this through controlling risks and timely performance (Covey, & Merrill, 2009). The manager takes enormous responsibility of showing loyalty by giving credit to all the contributors who ensure success in the unit. She identifies individual contribution and does not hesitate to show loyalty to the staff. She supports the workforce in their endeavors, and she takes the side of the workforce in case of disputes with the management (Covey, & Merrill, 2009). I think the manager should improve on her listening ability. For instance, an individual or staff could approach her in the halls with an issue or problem. During the conversation, she walks as the staff expresses her problems; she gives short answers, an indication that she is not attentive. On other occasions, I have tried to explain a situation after which the manager seems to have formed her own conclusion (Covey, & Merrill, 2009). The manager has an attribute of having limited trust with the workers. 90% of the workforce speaks her language, however, at some instances, she speaks a different language when with her deputy, or she sits to eat with a group of nurses. She should learn to extend her trust to the staff members (Covey, & Merrill, 2009). Another attribute that I think the manager should change is her ability to demonstrate respect. For instance, workers may smile or say polite things, but she ignores them. Such an attribute demonstrates her lack of respect. A staff member

The history of the coastguard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12250 words

The history of the coastguard - Essay Example While there are hardly any who are not aware of the presence, aims and objectives of all of the army, the navy and the air force, only a handful of people have a similar awareness of the coastguard. Although some countries, such as the United States, Canada, and Japan, define the coast guard as a division of the national military, its importance is generally underestimated (LaGuardia-Kotite and Ridge, 2006). The popular understanding of the coast guard is that it acts as a vessel and life rescue service and, in some instances, to monitor fishing across the national coastlines and waters. This understanding barely touches upon the duties, responsibilities, aims, and objectives of both civilian and military coast guard services, nor does it even hint at the fact that the coast guard, in the first and last, is primarily responsible for coastal and port security. In other words, the responsibilities and functions of the coast guard directly tie in with national security (LaGuardia-Kotite and Ridge, 2006). This research paper, which shall highlight the multiple functions of the coast guard services and illustrate, through an historical overview, the increasing importance of this institution, shall, hopefully, illustrate that insofar as coastal countries are concerned, the coast guard plays an invaluable and vital role; a role which directly contributes to increased national security. This project focused on the development of Kuwait coastguard and identifies requirements in the near future to improve Kuwait Coastguard. This project was carried out at the University of Plymouth in United Kingdom by using the tutor assistances, Kuwait coastguard assistances and the simulator in the University of Plymouth. 1 Introduction While there are hardly any who are not aware of the presence, aims and objectives of all of the army, the navy and the air force, only a handful of people have a similar awareness of the coastguard. Although some countries, such as the United States, Canada and Japan, define the coast guard as a division of the national military, its importance is generally underestimated (LaGuardia-Kotite and Ridge, 2006). Popular understanding of the coast guard is that it acts as a vessel and life rescue service and, in some instances, to monitor fishing across the national coastlines and waters. This understanding barely touches upon the duties, responsibilities, aims and objectives of both civilian and military coast guard services, nor does it even hint at the fact that the coast guard, in the first and last, is primarily responsible for coastal and port security. In other words, the responsibilities and functions of the coast guard directly tie in with national security (LaGuardia-Kotite and R idge, 2006). This research paper, which shall highlight the multiple functions of the coast guard services and illustrate, through an historical overview, the increasing importance of this institution, shall, hopefully, illustrate that insofar as coastal countries are concerned, the coast guard plays an invaluable and vital role; a role which directly contributes to increased national security. This project focused on development of Kuwait coastguard and identifies requirements in the near future to improve Kuwait Coastguard. There are things need to be improved in Kuwait coastguard such as increasing number of patrol boats, where should these patrol boats operating and things require in the near future

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Speed of Trust part 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Speed of Trust part 3 - Essay Example She tells the truth no matter what the situation is. Her ability to talk straight confers basic elements to her that influences the successe of the unit. This element has led to improved manager’s relationships with the staff (Covey, & Merrill, 2009). The current manager ensures that the unit operates within the allocated budget while delivering results. The manager ensures successful completion of projects within the scope and expected results. She ensures this through controlling risks and timely performance (Covey, & Merrill, 2009). The manager takes enormous responsibility of showing loyalty by giving credit to all the contributors who ensure success in the unit. She identifies individual contribution and does not hesitate to show loyalty to the staff. She supports the workforce in their endeavors, and she takes the side of the workforce in case of disputes with the management (Covey, & Merrill, 2009). I think the manager should improve on her listening ability. For instance, an individual or staff could approach her in the halls with an issue or problem. During the conversation, she walks as the staff expresses her problems; she gives short answers, an indication that she is not attentive. On other occasions, I have tried to explain a situation after which the manager seems to have formed her own conclusion (Covey, & Merrill, 2009). The manager has an attribute of having limited trust with the workers. 90% of the workforce speaks her language, however, at some instances, she speaks a different language when with her deputy, or she sits to eat with a group of nurses. She should learn to extend her trust to the staff members (Covey, & Merrill, 2009). Another attribute that I think the manager should change is her ability to demonstrate respect. For instance, workers may smile or say polite things, but she ignores them. Such an attribute demonstrates her lack of respect. A staff member

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What are the main arguments for and against the horizontal Essay

What are the main arguments for and against the horizontal proliferation of nuclear weapons - Essay Example It led to the loss of nearly a million civilian lives and total destruction of the city. Even those who survived this event, continued to suffer under effects of radioactive radiation for many subsequent years. A generation of Japanese children were born with congenital defects as a result of mothers’ exposure to radiation. Political leaders of today will have to consider their nuclear weapons program in the backdrop of this ghastly human disaster. The rest of the essay will point out the pros and cons of horizontal proliferation of nuclear weapons. It is very difficult to talk of the merits and demerits of horizontal proliferation of nuclear weapons without considering the effects of vertical proliferation. Horizontal proliferation is the acquisition of know-how, technology and material by a nation-state or a political/militant group so as to manufacture nuclear weapons of their own. The term ‘horizontal proliferation’ is used to refer to nation-states or similar entities that do not already have nuclear weapons but aspire and endeavour toward this goal. Vertical proliferation is the process of consolidation and improvisation of nuclear weapons by nation-states already well-established in making nuclear weapons. It is fair to say that vertical proliferation induces horizontal proliferation, as the latter group feel more and more insecure with their militarily well-endowed neighbouring states. In the years after the Second World War, Cold War was the political theatre upon which various nations placed their rationa le for developing nuclear weapons. Yet, even as recently as a decade ago, only a handful of nations were classified under the nuclear-enabled category of states. (Krepon, 2012, p.44) Recent geo-political developments, especially in the wake of September 11, 2001 terror strikes on the United States have significantly altered the internal political dynamics of many nations in the Middle-East and Asia. It

Monday, October 14, 2019

American education Essay Example for Free

American education Essay Education in China is growing. Over the past years Chinas education system has been attempting, and been successful in improving the education in China. China for many years did not put much emphasis on education. China was more traditional, meaning they were more interested in farming and working. Prior the 1840 education in China was only for the elite, the high class. The main purpose of education was to train what China called gentlemen or high officials. This is the time of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher who introduced China to the Royal Examination System, which is used to select imperial officers. Chinas education was very rigid and it focused highly on technology thus China has a high rate of illiteracy. Early Chinese students were not very well rounded; they were limited in what they could study. For example a student of science would not know much about Humanities, and vice versa, a student of Humanities would not know much about science. This approach of learning narrowed the range of knowledge that a Chinese student might have. This would limit the students thinking and restrict their future development. When a student is limited in what he of she can do then that will dramatically decrease the number of jobs that they have to chose from. American education is a lot different than the early Chinese education. In America, school is for developing critical thinking skills. American education teaches students to apply what they learn in the class to the outside world. They teach students to think outside of the box and how to think deep and to apply critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is expected in America, as for China they are more knowledge focused. The Chinese function more on memorization of knowledge and facts, again this limits them in their thinking. Chinas education is based on training for entrance exams for college; this time of exams is known as black July. They memorize a lot of facts and then repeat them on a test. In America they teach how to apply what we learn to many different problems, to see if the students can figure them out. Chinas system is very competitive. The students compete with each other because there is limited space in college and there are limited jobs, in their marrow fields. This increases the pressure on the students, students at times commit suicide or run away from home and often suffer form depression because the pressure is so great on them, form their family and also themselves. Unlike most American students Chinese students are eager to learn and work really hard, they want to be the best that they can be for themselves and also for their family. China is making a lot of reforms on their education approach today. They are slowly adopting some of the western worlds principles. They are beginning to encourage students to study in more than one field, such as if a students is studying mathematics they also can, and often do study another subject such as science. This is broadening the students horizons and allowing them to be more rounded in their capabilities. This also increases the job types that they might be able to do. The Chinese are beginning to put more of an emphasis on critical thinking than they have in the years past. This takes some of the pressure off of the students and evens it out a little more, because if the cant find a job and all they have is one skill then they will suffer and be left out working maybe a low rate job. If a student has more flexibility in what he or she can do then there will be more options for them in the job field. The education systems of China and America are more and more beginning to resemble one another. A few differences that still exist today are that the American schools are more centered on the students and interaction learning while the China schools are more teacher- focused and lecture oriented. American schools also encourage the students to debate with the teacher and ask questions during class. China has a phrase called saving face; this means that the students would rather not know the answer than to ask a dumb question. Teachers dont encourage questions during class and dont allow much debate. There are both strengths and weaknesses to both Chinese and American education methods. Chinese students study hard and often. They are viewing school as a privilege and a competition while most Americans view school as boring and tiresome. While Americans struggle with memorization and discipline, they are strong in critical thinking. American students are more rounded and able to apply what they have learned too many different things, whereas the Chinese are somewhat limited. I would have to say that all in all both systems have their positives and their negatives but as the years progress, improvement in each country will also.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Critical Thinking Paper Abortion Philosophy Essay

Critical Thinking Paper Abortion Philosophy Essay It is undeniable that abortion is one of the most controversial topics. As is always the case, there are two sides to such a provocative topic. One is for free will and the ability to choose to have an abortion; the other is pro life and against abortion. However, very few advocates for either side truly know what is involved in the abortion process, but still do their best to oversimplify the issue at hand anyway. What exactly is abortion, then? By dictionary definition, abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. However, todays society would define it as getting rid of a mistake. An analysis of abortion reveals that there is more than meets the eye and only those who fully understand the process and consequences make decisions concerning abortion. The history of abortion is an extensive one. Although one of the most famous tide-turning legal cases for abortion was in 1973, abortion can be traced back even further than the 19th century. In fact, in Ancient Greece in 400 B.C., the Oath of Hippocrates stated that I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Health, and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath. . . I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion (Facts About Abortion: Ancient Abortion History). Basically, any who swore by this oath realized the belief that abortion was harmful and would endeavor to aid the abortion process in any way. Around the same t ime period, Socrates also mentioned abortion in his books. His view, however, was opposite of Hippocrates. Socrates believed that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦a man may not marry his daughter or his daughters daughter, or his mother or his mothers mother; and women, on the other hand, are prohibited from marrying their sons or fathers, or sons son or fathers father, and so on in either direction. And we grant all this, accompanying the permission with strict orders to prevent any embryo which may come into being from seeing the light; and if any force a way to the birth, the parents must understand that the offspring of such an union cannot be maintained, and arrange accordingly (Facts About Abortion: Ancient Abortion History). In much simpler terms, Socrates stated that abortion is justified in cases where a child is conceived in an incestuous union. The United States was also part of the broad history concerning abortion. In 1859, the American Medical Association condemned abortion except when preserving the life of the mother and in 1875, every state in America adopted laws that banned abortion (The History of Abortion in the United States). There were also many legal cases in which abortion was the main concern. As previously mentioned, Roe v. Wade was one of the most famous cases. Alex McBride stated on PBS, Controversial from the moment it was released, Roe v. Wade politically divided the nation more than any other recent case and continues to inspire heated debates, politics, and even violence today (the culture wars) (McBride). This case was particularly dividing because it was so controversial, and made people choose sides. There was the side that promoted free will and to have abortion as an option. On the other hand, there was the side that believed that all life is precious and that abortion is morally wrong. In the en d, the Court ruled that women have a right to privacy, which includes the right to have an abortion (McBride). Many people choose sides concerning abortion without having sufficient information to do so, such as knowing what the abortion process truly entails. Some choose to be against abortion without fully considering that there are certain circumstances that would require abortion, such as when the mother is in a life or death situation. Others choose abortions without realizing that it goes against many religions and beliefs. What most of them do not know is what is involved in the abortion process. Many might think that it would be similar to having a Caesarian section, perhaps removing the fetus through surgery. This, however, is not the case. As mentioned, the abortion process is more complex than one would think. There is more than one way to carry out an abortion; the type of process chosen is usually determined by how far into the pregnancy a woman is. The patient can choose between two options for abortion: through medication, or surgery (Types of Abortion Procedures). Although the first trimester is twelve weeks long, women can only choose to have an abortion through medication within the first nine weeks (Pregnancy Week by Week; Types of Abortion Procedures). This is most likely due to ethical reason, for example, because the fetus has developed and is considered a human being, therefore making abortion through pills unethical. There are various types of surgical abortion procedures. For example, Vacuum Aspiration, also known as Suction Aspiration, is through the use of a strong vacuum; Dilation and Evacuation is through the use forceps (First Trimester Abortion Procedures; Abortion Methods). During the process of V acuum Aspiration, a tube attached to a vacuum type pump is inserted into the vagina; the fetus and placenta is torn apart as it is suctioned out along with the amniotic fluids (Abortion Methods). Dilation and Evacuation is vastly different, however. The previous method seems more clinical and less horrifying than this method. In Dilation and Evacuation, forceps are used to grasp at random fetus parts, which are then pulled out one by one until only the head is left (Abortion Methods). As the fetuss head is too large to removed in tact, it is crushed first (Abortion Methods). Although these are only two of many procedures, each is more inhumane than the previous. Despite the fact that death only occurs in 0.0006% of abortion cases, there are risks and complications involved. No abortion procedure is entirely one hundred percent safe or risk-free. These are the dangers of legal abortion procedures: allergic reactions, blood clots, infections, failed or incomplete abortion, heavy bleeding, injury, and etc (In-Clinic Abortion Procedures). If abortion was made illegal, women would have to resort to even more dangerous methods, such as illegal ones. Not all of the dangers are physical, however. There are issues of post-abortion syndrome, such as feeling deep regret and depression over choosing to terminate the life of ones child (The Case Against Abortion: Post-Abortion Syndrome). When it comes to an extremely controversial topic like this one, there are usually many biases. This can involve religion, ethics, income, age, and society. All of these can influence decisions concerning abortion. Religion plays a major role, as it is what people turn to for guidance in turbulent times. If their religion is against abortion, it is most likely that followers will be the same. Ethics is also a guide; abortion might be unethical to some because fetuses are considered human beings and all life is sacred. The matter of income is also important. Those who are impoverished would support to keep abortion legal because they can barely afford to keep themselves alive, let alone another human being. In fact, forty-two percent of women who have abortions have incomes below 100% of the federal poverty level (Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States). Those who are wealthy might agree with abortion because a laid back life full of partying would probably be more appealing w ithout having to raise a child. On the other hand, they might not agree because they have enough means for financial support. The elderly or people raised with traditional morals most likely would not even entertain the thought of abortion because they believe in taking responsibility instead of the easier way out. However, younger people, especially in todays society, would be more likely to embrace abortion because irresponsibility is much easier. These factors contribute to biases. For example, those who are against abortion create extremely graphic collages using a collection of real pictures or digitally created ones that show the entire abortion process. These images invoke heavy emotions that discourage abortions. Anti-abortion supporters even go as far as inventing lies that suggest abortion leads to cancer (Dudley, and Kruse). In contrast, supporters of abortion might downplay, oversimplify, and even hide the danger at hand. For instance, Planned Parenthoods website include s both information on the safety and risks of abortion procedures; however, the information on risks is in smaller text so it is not as noticeable (In-Clinic Abortion Procedures). Another example is in the form of a young womans experience. Lindsay, whose last name was not posted, stated that abortion clinics made her leave through the back door because they dont want anyone coming in to know what someone looks like going out (Finding Help: You Care About Me, Right?). There are many reasons why women choose to have or not to abortions. For example, a reason might be similar to Socrates case: a woman might have been in a nonconsensual incestuous relationship that has ended in child conceived. It might go against this womans religion or ethics to give birth to the child. Abortion might also be necessary when the life of the mother is endangered. That is not to say these all of these reasons are completely justified. Even though the fetus has not fully formed, it is still a human being and a product of ones flesh and blood. Termination could be considered child abuse. Nothing truly gives one, even a parent, the right to play God and decide whether or not to terminate a life. There are alternatives, such as giving the child up for adoption after birth. Even in todays society, the topic of abortion is an extremely contentious one. People are very divided on this topic although each side may not fully comprehend everything about abortion. This shows that many are eager to jump on the bandwagon of whichever side makes the best case. In order to make educated judgments on abortion, people must entirely comprehend the process of abortion and the results. Personally, I am against abortion because I believe in taking responsibility for our actions, and that even unborn children are humans and should deserve a chance at life.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Islam Essay -- Religion Religious Islam Essays

Islam   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Islam is comprised of three essential beliefs: The belief in God, obeying his moral laws, and believing in the after-life. Submission to God is directly followed by obeying the moral standards of everyday life. The Qur'an makes morality reign supreme and ensures that the affairs of life, instead of dominated by selfish desires, be regulated by norms of morality. These laws are the standard by which God determines the life of the believers, and the disbelievers on the Day of Judgement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The belief in life after death not only guarantees success in the Hereafter but also makes this world full of peace and happiness by making individuals responsible and dutiful in their activities. The Qur'an lays down a moral system which is the standard by which conduct a particular mode of conduct is judged and classified as good or bad. "It is not righteous that you turn your faces East or West; but it is righteous to believe in God and the Last Day and the Angels, and the Book, and the messengers; to spend the rest of your substance, out of love for Him, for you kin, for orphans for the needy, for the steadfast in prayers, and practice regular charity; to fulfill the contracts which you made; to be firm and patient in pain or suffering and adversity and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth, the God-conscious." (2:177) To elaborate further, our faith should be true and sincere, we must be prepared to show it in deeds of charity to our fellow-men, we must be good citizens, supporting social organizations, and our own individual soul must be firm and unshaken in al circumstances. Along with these standards, there is also the five pillars of Islam that is essential to ensure a rewarding after life. These pillars include: The belief that Allah is the one and only God, and Mohammad is his prophet; Salat five times a day; Zakat; Pilgrimage to Meccah; Observe fasting ritual during the month of Ramadan. These standards provides a sanction to morality in the love and fear of God, which will impel man to obey the moral law even without external pressures. Through belief in God and the Day of Judgement it furnishes a force which enables a person to adapt the moral conduct with sincerity and devotion straight form the heart and the soul.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Qur'an explains the Day of Judgement as the day when the whole universe will be destr... ... glum therein." (23:99-104) The scales that this passage refers to is the scales of moral conduct on earth. If one does good deeds on earth, the weight of those deeds are heavier on the Day of Judgement. Evil deeds constitutes less wieght on the scale of judgement. In essence, life on earth is a test for all humans. The more good deeds one accumulates, the better the chances are of eternal bliss in the afterlife.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The explanation that the Qur'an gives about the necessity of life after death is what the moral consciousness of man demands. If there is no life after death, the very belief in God becomes irrelevant, or even if one believes in God, that would be an unjust and indifferent God: having once created man and not concerned with his fate. This is not so in Islam. We know through the Qur'an that God is Just and Merciful. The day of resurrection will be the day when God's attributes of Justice and Mercy will be in full manifestation. God will show his Mercy on those who suffered for his sake, and punish those who cared nothing about God and the after-life. Believing in God, obeying His laws, and believing in the after-life is what determines ones fate in the Hereafter.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Book Review: When Genius Failed Essay

Lowenstein’s ability to come up with a concise, coherent story and his experience in financial journalism is strongly evident in this book. Not only can Lowenstein weave together and tell a great story (this author felt he was being led through the history of the fund and its characters by one of its inner partners while reading through this book), he also pays attention to details whenever it is needed – and he succeeds greatly by catching many important subtleties (such as in the beginning of Chapter one when he used one of those â€Å"subtleties† in Meriwether’s early areer to explain the basis of LTCM’s core business model and the subtle, but gradual â€Å"style drift† that brought down the hedge fund afterwards) as well as making many interesting observations along the way (such as the fatal flaw LTCM committed when it started engaging in stocks arbitrage as opposed to sticking to bond arbitrage). 7. Concept: Unsystematic Risk. A specifi c risk is a risk that affects a very small number of assets. This is sometimes referred to as â€Å"unsystematic risk†. In a balanced portfolio of assets there would be a spread between general market risk and risks specific to individual components of that portfolio. Unlike systematic and market risk, specific risk can be diversified away. A diversified portfolio is the realisation of the proverb â€Å"don’t put all your eggs in one basket†. As Irish investors become more sophisticated in their strategies, they look beyond the risks of stock-picking to managing risk through diversified, balanced investment portfolios. Mr. Fitzgerald, portfolio manager for Hibernian Investment Managers said that often the first step in reducing risk is investing in pooled investments like mutual funds, unit trusts and unit-linked funds. It’s a toe-in-the-water position, they begin with cautiously-managed funds, and then as they grow in wealth or experience they may choose a managed fund with higher equity content† Source: Margaret E. Ward, The Irish Times, 2nd July 1999. 10. Concept: The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). William Sharpe the Capital Asset Pricing Model in 1964. Parallel work was also performed by Jack Treynor, John Lintn er and Jan Mossin. CAPM is used in finance to determine a theoretically appropriate required rate of return of an asset. It considers a simplified world where there are no taxes and transaction costs, all investors have identical investment horizons and identical opinions about expected returns, volatilities and correlations of available investments. This model states that the expected return on a specific asset equals the risk-free rate plus a premium that depends on the asset’s beta and the expected risk premium on the market portfolio. CAPM extended Harry Markowitz’s modern portfolio theory and of diversification to introduce the notions of systematic and specified risk. Source: www. google. com 11. Concept: Capital Budgeting. Capital Budgeting or Investment Appraisals are the planning processes used to determine a firm’s long term investments such as new machinery, replacement machinery, new plants, new products and research and development projects. This is the process of identifying which long-lived investment projects a firm should undertake. US entertainment giant Warner Brothers investigated a possible high-tech back office studio development in Belfast. Executives from the group conducted an appraisal of possible investment opportunities on the site. The group planned a high-tech quarter in Belfast, which it hoped would attract multimedia, informatics and telecoms firms to set up in Northern Ireland. Source: Francess McDonnell, The Irish Times, 7th August 2001. 18. Concept: Financial Management. This is managing a firms internal cash flows and its mix of debt and equity financing, both to maximise the value of the debt and equity claims on firms’ and to ensure that companies can pay off their obligations when they come due. This is illustrated through financial reporting; the dream of consistent and uniform systems of financial reporting around the world is a seductive one. It is also elusive. The problem is that, however great the attempts at providing a universally acceptable standard, the differing goals of the world’s reporting regimes get in the way. Europe and about a 100 other countries go for the International Financial Reporting Standards (IRFS) whereas, the US stand alone and stick to their US generally accepted accounting (GAAP) yet seek reconciliation from the IRFS. It is the electronic tagging and analysis system XBRL that will enable the elements of a company’s financial reports to be accessed by users and reconfigured to provide whatever information the user wants. Mr. Cox, the Securities and Exchange Commission chairman said he was â€Å"looking forward to a future in which XBRL, US GAAP and IFRS would be interconnected and hence the problem of global comparability would be solved†. Source: Robert Bruce, Financial Times, 4th January 2007.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Methamphetamine Notes

The main ingredient that goes into making meth is pseudoephedrine, a decongestant in most over the counter cold medication, that in combination but a host of other toxic chemicals such as lye and drain cleaner. Form White or yellow powder, clear or yellowish crystals or â€Å"shards†, or in pill form. Use Smoked, snorted, swallowed, or injected. Addiction Factor Extremely Addictive Physical & Mental Effects Brain damage, organ failure, open sores, rotting teeth, stroke, mania, paranoia, obsesSive compulsive behaviours, twitching or shaking, psychosis, etc. Social Effects Withdrawal from friends and family, increased criminal activity to support addiction o r due to violent episodes while high, and an increase in overall violent and/ or rude behaviour. Environmental Effects When methamphetamine is being synthesized, there are over 5 pounds of toxic wast e as a byproduct for every pound of meth. This waste is almost never disposed of properly and finds its w ay into ecosystems w hich pollutes water, destroys habitats and kills wildlife and can be harmful to huma ns if they should come nto contact with any chemical byproducts.This is why many meth lab technicians ar e sent to the hospital for chemical burns. What Does Methamphetamine Do To The Body? Heart Methamphetamine affects the heart and the circulatory system by increasing heart r ate and blood pressure substantially. Repetitive use can cause irregular heartbeat, heart attack, stroke, and u Itimately death. These side effects will improve over a long period of time in which the individual has abstai ned from using the drug. The Senses Meth may cause the user to see, hear, feel, smell, or taste things that aren't really the e, if these sort of hallucinations persist, fullblown psychosis may develop.Bones Since Meth use can cause loss of appetite, some meth users can develop anorexia an d/or osteoporosis. This is because of the lack of essential proteins and elements such as calcium which help keep the b ody strong and healthy The Muscles Because the drug has such a profound effect on the part of the brain that aids in the coordination of movements, the user very likely to eventually develop: Involuntary muscular contracti ons, uncontrollable twitching or shaking, and strange movements like facial ticks.These side effects wors n as the addiction progresses. Immune System Since meth causes vasoconstriction (narrowing of the blood vessels) the skin can become deprived of oxygen, and nutrients. This also means that white blood cells and other immunocytes (cells of the immune system) also may not be able to reach certain areas of the skin. In conjunction, this will lead to pale or grey tinted skin, acne, and open sores.Temperature Regulation When an individual uses meth their body temperature skyrockets which can be very dangerous, leading to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure as well as increasing the likelihood of orga failure or brain damage caused by cellular destruction d ue to the high temperatures created within t he body. The Teeth Smoking meth will cause rotten teeth and gums. This can be caused by any of the foll owing: Poor oral hygiene, bacteria, teeth chattering or grinding, or the acidity ot the drug itselt.Hair The toxic chemicals in meth, combined with the constant urge to pull at the hair or pi ck at the scalp while high can lead to thinning, greying, or drying of the hair, as well as an increase in oils produced by the scalp. bald patches may also occur in individuals who have a bad habit of pulling hair out. References: http://www. methpro]ect. org/answers/whatdoesmethdotoyour body. html#BodybyMeth The Heart Specificly. The Heart On Meth While under the influence of meth, you probably already know that it increases heart rate and blood pressure, but what does that really mean for the heart of the user?To get an idea, th e average adult heart will pump between 6,000 and 7,000 litres of blood per day; when a person uses meth even a few ti mes a week, this output will increase to an unhealthy level of about 7,500 to 8,500 litres per day, The same goes for heart rate. The average adult heart rate at rest is between 60 00 beats per minute depending on the size, shape, gender, and overall health of the individual, but when he or she ingests methamphetamine, their heart rate at rest will spike, causing it to fall between 100 120 beats per minute.That means that when he or she is sitting, their heart rate is going as fast as it should if they were to walk up a flig ht of stairs between two floors of a house, or take a brisk walk. This is especially dangerous when engagin g in any kind of physical activity since the users heart will gain the potential to beat too fast which wil I eventually send it into rrhythmia (irregular beating of the heart) which is a medical emergency and is likely to result in death.Considering the poor cardiovascular health of meth users, most individuals who expe rience an arrhythmia, heart attack, or stroke while under the influence are more likely to die due to the fact that after prolonged used, the addicts heart will need to increase in size so it can compensate for the hear t rate and blood pressure spike. Having an enlarged heart is especially dangerous because it means t he the heart is not as strong as it once was, leaving it more susceptible to complications. Left Ventricular Hypertrophy

Cost and Benefit Essay

A cost benefit analysis is done to determine how well, or how poorly, a planned action will turn out. Although a cost benefit analysis can be used for almost anything, it is most commonly done on financial questions. Since the cost benefit analysis relies on the addition of positive factors and the subtraction of negative ones to determine a net result, it is also known as running the numbers. A cost benefit analysis finds, quantifies, and adds all the positive factors. These are the benefits. Then it identifies, quantifies, and subtracts all the negatives, the costs. The difference between the two indicates whether the planned action is advisable. The real trick to doing a cost benefit analysis well is making sure you include all the costs and all the benefits and properly quantify them. Should we hire an additional sales person or assign overtime? Is it a good idea to purchase the new stamping machine? Will we be better off putting our free cash flow into securities rather than investing in additional capital equipment? Each of these questions can be answered by doing a proper cost benefit analysis. Cost-Benefit Analysis Jules Dupuit, a French engineer, first introduced the concept of Cost-Benefit Analysis in the 1930s. It became popular in the 1950s as a simple way of weighing up project costs and benefits, to determine whether to go ahead with a project. As its name suggests, Cost-Benefit Analysis involves adding up the benefits of a course of action, and then comparing these with the costs associated with it. The results of a cost-benefit analysis are often expressed as a payback period – this is the time it takes for benefits to repay costs. Many people who use Cost-Benefit Analysis look for payback in less than a specific period – for example, three years. You can use Cost-Benefit Analysis in a wide variety of situations. For example, when you are: .Deciding whether to hire new team members. .Evaluating a new project or change initiative. .Determining the feasibility of a capital purchase. However, bear in mind that Cost-Benefit Analysis is best for making quick and simple financial decisions. More robust approaches are commonly used for more complex, business-critical or high cost decisions. BCA attempts to capture all benefits and costs accruing to society from a project or course of action, regardless of which particular party realizes the benefits or costs, or the form these benefits and costs take. Used properly, BCA reveals the economically efficient investment alternative, i.e., the one that maximizes the net benefits to the public from an allocation of resources. BCA is not the same thing as financial analysis. Financial analysis is concerned with how to fund a project over its lifespan and measures the adequacy of current and future funds and revenues to cover the cost of building, operating, and maintaining the project. While financial analysis is an important part of project management, the economic merit of the project as measured by BCA is generally not affected by how the project is financed. Useful Applications of Benefit-Cost Analysis Benefit-cost analysis (BCA) considers the changes in benefits and costs that would be caused by a potential improvement to the status quo facility. In highway decision-making, BCA may be used to help determine the following: * Whether or not a project should be undertaken at all (i.e., whether the project’s life-cycle benefits will exceed its costs). * When a project should be undertaken. BCA may reveal that the project does not pass economic muster now, but would be worth pursuing 10 years from now due to projected regional traffic growth. If so, it would be prudent to take steps now to preserve the future project’s right-of-way. Which among many competing alternatives and projects should be funded given a limited budget. BCA can be used to select from among design alternatives that yield different benefits (e.g., reconstruct a roadway with additional lanes versus no additional lanes); unrelated highway projects (a widened road versus an interchange on another road); and unrelated transportation projects in different transportation modes. The Benefit-Cost Analysis Process In BCA, the analyst applies a discount rate to the benefits and costs incurred in each year of the project’s life cycle. This exercise yields one or more alternative measures of a project’s economic merit. The BCA process begins with the establishment of objectives for an improvement to a highway facility, such as reducing traffic congestion or improving safety. A clear statement of the objective(s) is essential to reduce the number of alternatives considered. The next step is to identify constraints (policy, legal, natural, or other) on potential agency options and specify assumptions about the future, such as expected regional traffic growth and vehicle mixes over the projected lifespan of the improvement. Having identified objectives and assumptions, the analyst (or analytical team) then develops a full set of reasonable improvement alternatives to meet the objectives. This process begins with the development of a â€Å"do minimal† option, known as the base case. The base case represents the continued operation of the current facility under good management practices but without major investments. Under these â€Å"do minimal† conditions, the condition and performance of the base case would be expected to decline over time. Reasonable improvement alternatives to the base case can include a range of options, from major rehabilitation of the existing facility to full-depth reconstruction to replacement by a higher volume facility. Such alternatives will often involve construction, but alternatives that improve highway operations (such as the use of intelligent transportation systems) or manage travel demand (such as incentives for off-peak travel) are suitable for consideration. Major Steps in the Benefit-Cost Analysis Process 1. Establish objectives 2. Identify constraints and specify assumptions 3. Define base case and identify alternatives 4. Set analysis period 5. Define level of effort for screening alternatives 6. Analyze traffic effects 7. Estimate benefits and costs relative to base case 8. Evaluate risk 9. Compare net benefits and rank alternatives 10. Make recommendations The Public Spending Code D. Standard Analytical Procedures Guide to economic appraisal: Carrying out a cost benefit analysis

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Accounting is not a root cause of the financial crisis, but it has an Essay

Accounting is not a root cause of the financial crisis, but it has an important role to play in its resolution - Essay Example The United States of America was the epicenter of this crisis. The sub-prime crisis caused many key businesses to close down and equity markets all around the world recorded tremendous decrease of their respective indices. This financial crisis almost created mass scale unemployment around the world. It is very interesting to study the role of financial accounting in this crisis. Many experts have expressed the view that the method of fair value accounting have exacerbated this crisis but did not initiate it. The first part of this essay will aim to analyze the role that fair value accounting played during this crisis and whether it has enhanced the crisis or not. Second part of this essay tries to find out whether accounting can provide remedial solutions to this crisis. Role of accounting in the financial crisis According to Financial Accounting Standards, even in the absence of active market or during unfavorable market conditions the banks are required to calculate the values of its assets which will be different and lower than the true value. The final figures of various financial instruments like the Credit Default Swap are calculated at fair value and as a result create misleading impressions. Due to the fair value accounting the banks will sell the various securities at a relatively cheaper price. This would trigger the panic button in the markets and as a result there would be a global meltdown. Through the fair value method of accounting it is not possible for the banks to measure the financial instruments accurately. As a result the banks are forced to incur losses because it sells its assets at lower prices. These losses affect the entire financial markets. There is also a possibility that the banks spent large amount of money to acquire assets at market value calculated according to the fair value accounting method but these investments eventually becomes a burden and cause huge losses. But a closer examination of the situation will bring out the f act that the role of fair value accounting in this financial crisis is very minimal. The US banks lost most of their fortune on loans that they made to non credible borrowers. Losses due to mark to market were far lower than the losses the bank made from bad loans to non credible borrowers. The banks recorded high losses even when they have not valued the price of their various financial instruments under the method of fair value accounting. The major portion of the losses constitute of defaulting loans that their debtors failed to pay off in time. Economists like Easton, Burks and Badertscher have tried to find whether due to the fair value accounting the banks during the sub-prime crisis had sold their securities at lower prices than the actual but they have not found any evidences which would support this idea. According to another expert Shaffer the impact of loan losses was much greater than the losses suffered by the bank due to fair value accounting. So it is quite clear that fair value accounting method did not play any significant role to create the financial crisis but it only helped to worsen the crisis further1. Role of accounting in the recovery from the crisis Generally, most of the organizations use a method of accounting that combines the methods of historical cost accounting and fair value accounting. This creates confusion in the minds of the investors. Panic among the investors accelerated the crisis as the companies failed to give their investors a clear picture of the net asset values and the total values of its assets. The common investors lost all

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Ikea Company and Its International Retailer Selling Case Study

Ikea Company and Its International Retailer Selling - Case Study Example From this paper, it is clear that the analysis of internal environment would include strengths and weaknesses of the company. The strength of the company lies in its expert marketing abilities and also its location. These are the two aspects which add to the value of the company’s products. It is also a strong global brand attracting key groups of consumers. The company’s scale and size of the company’s business could make it hard to impose quality standards and maintain quality issues. Moreover, some of the countries making IKEA products also do not implement proper working environment legislation. These could account for company’s weaknesses. Some of the key opportunities which IKEA tries to take advantage of being a consistently increasing in demand for greener products. Also, the demand for low priced products remains high. Also, the present financial conditions in the economy across the world predict a gradual decline in consumer’s preference f or expensive products. Also, there is high demand for low water usage and low carbon footprints. The company must design a business strategy which would be socially and economically conscious. Thus it would be based on the present market conditions. It is true that the present financial conditions are favorable towards the production of low priced products but soon the situation is likely to improve and this would consequently change people’s tastes and preferences as well. This means that the company must design a strategy which would be adaptive to the surrounding environment if it seeks to avoid losses due to change in tastes and fashion. Going by the existing opportunities and threats facing the company, IKEA strives to develop an environmental and sustainability plan which is central to its business strategy. The plan seeks to continue operations till 2015 and includes social, economic and environmental issues.